Because I wasn't gambling

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Chapter 3
💙Because I wasn't gambling💜

Shuichi idolized Kirigiri. Of course he did, she was a world famous detective. Who wouldn't idolize her?

That being said, he didn't think she'd be so... cold?

Specifically, to him. He'd seen her talking normally with people like Asahina and Togami. So why couldn't she be normal around him?

It was slightly infuriating, but Shuichi was never one to show his emotions on his face. He probably got that from his uncle.

When he first learned that he was working with the infamous detective, he was ecstatic... until she blew up at the captain. He was crushed. She must hate him. Maybe he's a bad detective?


No, he just has to win her over. That shouldn't be too hard, his uncle talked about winning over women all the time.

Though, the wording of that was a bit awkward.


Shuichi was extra nice to everyone the next day. He held the door open for Naegi and Asahina, he helped Oogami fix the coffee machine, and he even indulged in Soda's bad jokes.

But this was all just to prepare himself. He took a deep breath, and walked over to Kirigiri's desk.

"Um... h-hi." Wow. Great way to start off a conversation.

Kirigiri looked up for a moment before muttering something under her breath and looking away. She had takeout Sukiya open on her desk and her phone in her hand.

Trying to catch her attention, he spoke again, "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot." He cleared his throat, awkwardly, "I'm Shuichi Saihara."

He held out his hand, but she didn't shake it. "Kyoko Kirigiri, and just because we're working a case together, doesn't mean we have to be friends. Got it?"

Retracting his hand awkwardly, Shuichi rubbed the back of his neck. As he walked away, he felt his determination come back. He'd win her over. He had to.


Shuichi found her eating alone in the break room during lunch break.

"Hi, Kirigiri."

She glanced up at him briefly, "Hello, detective."

The two sat in silence for a minute.

"Um," Shuichi started, "do you mind if I join you?"

Kirigiri glared at him, "Yes, I do actually."

He flinched back, surprised by her harsh tone.

There was silence for a bit longer. She glared at him, and he wasn't sure if she was judging him or pitying him.


That was all she said, so Shuichi took it as his cue to leave.


He didn't build up the courage to try again until they were leaving the building.

Kirigiri was walking behind him, so Shuichi held the door for her. This got him a bit of a nod from her, and he gave himself an internal pat on the back.

He walked alongside her, "So, um, how was your day?"

She ignored him.

"Why-" he cleared his throat awkwardly, "Why don't you want to talk to me?"

The detective stopped walking, turning to him completely. She glanced him up and down, as if sizing him up, before responding. "Because you're annoying."

With that, she turned on her heel and left.

Shuichi stood there for a while, staring at her disappearing figure. His biggest idol just called him annoying.

Tears burned his eyes, but be blinked them away, "Stop, you're being stupid." He mumbled to himself. Shaking his head, he started making his way towards his apartment.

She probably didn't mean it.... right?


Sorry for such a long wait, and such a short chapter. This was really bad too, I'll try to make the next one better.

Roll The Dice - Celegiri and SaioumaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt