6. Spiderling

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Thursday, October 26, 2017.

"We should have a sleepover!"

I lit up at Peter's suggestion.

"That'd be great!" I replied.

We somehow ended up on the floor. Ned sprawled on the left of me while Peter was on the right. Peter kept his arms stretched behind his head, and Ned used hand expressions as he rambled. Everything felt just so...natural. It was an odd sensation.

After our phone call with Tony, we talked things out and ended up making jokes and falling to the floor. They started sharing information about tons of heroes and villains. Ned lifted his hands in the air as he talked about the Falcon, while Peter's eyes twinkled when he told stories about working with Tony.

"Oh!" Ned hushed Peter. "Tell her about the Vulture dude!"

Peter's eye shined in memorabilia. "He was my first villain. I figured out he was Liz Allen's dad, and she was a girl I really liked at the time. And instead of going to the dance with her, as he told me to do, I went after him. That was also the first time I got my suit taken away by Mr. Stark. I was forced to catch him in my old suit. I eventually got the other one back, though."

Ned sat up in excitement. "Oh my god, show her the suit!"

Peter looked over at Ned. "Right now?"

Ned nodded with velocity. "Yes!"

Peter stood up and stretched, then walked over to his closet. He opened the door and shuffled through the bottom of it.

I sat up with Ned and watched as Peter dug through his closet. "Did you stop the Vulture guy?"

"Yes! Peter kicked his ass!" Ned pumped the air in excitement. "And without me being the Guy in the Chair, Peter wouldn't have won!"

Peter turned back to us, still bent over. "That's a bit of an exaggeration, but he's a great Guy in the Chair."

"Hell yeah, I am. Best one out there, guaranteed."

"What's a 'Guy in the Chair?'" I asked curiously.

Peter stood with red and blue fabric in his hands. "Ned is!"

Ned smirked. "Not to brag or anything, but I literally just sat in a chair and gave him directions."

Peter chuckled. "More like I gave you directions."

"See! That's bragging. You set yourself up on that one, Peter."

I chuckled as Peter gave him an amusing glare.

He walked over to me and sat down. "Here it is." He unfolded the fabric and showed me the full display of the suit. It looked to be made of spandex, and a pattern of webs danced across the red fabric of the suit. Geometric lines stretched across the blue parts of the suit. And in the middle of the suit, there was a spider chest piece.

"Is that even comfortable?" I asked, looking at it with intent.

Peter smiled. "Feel it! It's really soft and comfortable. It may not look like it is, but it's actually not that bad."

I reached over to feel the fabric. My fingers traced the web pattern, and they glided over to the spider chest piece.

As I traced the spider, a small pounding in my head started pushing its way to the front. I dropped my hand and put my head in my hands. The pain was making itself apparent every second.

"Woah, Lilo. Are you okay?" Peter asked with concern in his voice.

As he spoke, it only increased the sharp pain in my head. I felt like I was going to be sick. I began to hyperventilate as everything around me dissipated into darkness.

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