31. New Friend

38 1 26

Thursday, November 16, 2017.

"Lilo...Lilo! Where have you been?!"

'Great. Another day in hell.'

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

I opened my eyes to see that my mother was leaned over my sleeping body, looking at me with fire in her eyes. Ah, yes, the pits of hell. Heh, ironic. 

Did I have to do this so early in the morning? Hell, the sun wasn't even out yet. And the first thing she wanted to do was yell at me? I was completely outraged! Well, so much for the night-long peace, but it was over. 

"Good morning, mother," I yawned. I hadn't even been up for a minute when she was yelling at me. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Well, actually, not really. I had been gone for days; I wasn't surprised she was yelling at me. In fact, I'm surprised she hadn't called the cops on me and sent me to jail. And honestly, I deserved to get yelled at. I did run away, you know, being the "rebellious teenager" I am. 

I deserved it.

"I, uh, just got home. I'll be ready for school in a few minutes." I got up as I was trying to avoid my mother's presence. It was difficult to concentrate on anything when she smelled like alcohol and weed. Desgustang. 

"Lilo..." She sighed as she took a seat on my bed. "Where have you been? I've been worried about you."

"Please don't-Wait, did you just say you were worried about me?" I asked in astonishment. 

'Oh, how the turntables...'

"Of course I was worried; you're my daughter," she explained with sympathy in her eyes. That was definitely not right. She didn't care if I was okay or not. Even when dad was in the hospital, she didn't care if we were okay; she was worried about the bill from the ambulance. There had to be something going on that I didn't know about to make her act the way she was.

"Uhm, right. Well, I should get ready." I walked away from the bed quickly so she couldn't grab me. You know, just in case she was going to. It was just the vibe I was receiving from her. 

"I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with you going to school...I don't want you to run away again..."

"Mom..." I froze in place, my eyes staring intensely into hers. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that."

"No, no, I get it. You're a teenager, but I'm not stupid. Your prissy, little friend snuck you out of here. And you're sweet and naive and didn't know any better than to listen to her because she's your best friend. I want you to understand that what she did was considered kidnapping. And she can get in trouble for that."

Okay, okay, wait. Mom thought I was naive? I will have you know, mother, that I am not naive. I know what's up. Or...do I? Oh, whatever. Second, She thought I was sweet? Not even Ned could agree with her on that. I was pure mischief in human form; er, well, that's more like that Loki dude. But you know what I mean. Mom had to be lying; I was not sweet. Not at all. 

"I was aware of what I was doing, mom. I left because I needed to. And yes, it wasn't the most structured plan, but I had to. Uhm, no offense.

"Second, one of the reasons I came back was because I realized what I did was wrong, and I need to get a proper education. Dad always went on about me being some super genius. I never really understood why he always told me that, but he just wanted the best for me."

She sighed, almost as if she were laughing, too. It was a sound of annoyance, and I knew bringing up dad wasn't the best thing to do.

"Why...Why do you always talk about your father in such a good light? He hurt us, Lilo. He left. Doesn't that upset you at all? I don't think he understood how much I would miss him." She was pleading, at least, that's what it sounded like to me. Comment down below if you agree. Ha, just kidding. Unless?

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