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Three million years before the current time
The whispers of my island home seemed to mock me, as if to remind me of how I had failed in my life purpose- keep the darkness at bay...
I stared out into space, roughly calculating how long until the pandemic my brother had started... would end.
~too long, they will never survive this~ I thought glumly.
Ator may be taking my precious little mortal humans... but I never would've thought it possible for him to take me with them...
I was the goddess of light...
He was the God of darkness...
It was my job to keep the balance between the two of us...
Just the right amount of light, just the right amount of darkness...
That was the way it should be.
I wondered what my creator would think if they could see me now.
I didn't turn around at the feeling of my brothers arrival.
The flash of darkness that swamped my heart was only momentary but I felt like I would explode from the painful emotions that circled me for those few seconds...
I couldn't stop the scream that tore from my lips.
*I'd get used to it* Ator hissed. I shook my head frantically but it didn't stop him from flinging dark emotion after dark emotion at me.
My screams would only be heard by Ator.
No one else existed in the our realm- I was alone...
Alone and at the mercy of my sadistic brother...
But I had to remain strong- for the mortal humans... the only thing I had left to live for...
*You'll never take me, Ator* I growled. My brother chuckled lightly. You wouldn't have thought he was a torturous, light sucking monster from the way he laughed. It was as if he hadn't a care in the world.
*That's where your wrong, sister- I will have you and those foolish mortals that you love ever so much* Ator replied, steadily. The light glinted in the depths of his eyes, reminding me of better times... before Ator went in over his head...
The stars shone down through the cloudy night sky, shining under the watchful eye of Cosmos, the creator. It was a time when the universe had no definitive variables. No left or right, no good or bad... no light or darkness.
No life at all.
Cosmos blinked at the realization that there was nothing in the universe that he could call life.
So with the muttered words *let there be life* all living organisms came into being.
But the new living beings were born to the darkness, they knew nothing of the thing known as light.
So with the muttered words *let there be light* the goddess Stormheart was born.
Cosmos summoned her with the flick of a finger and told her that she was to keep the darkness at bay, to keep the balance and to never never trust the darkness, which he named Ator.
Cosmos then summoned Ator, wiped his memory clean, and relayed the information that he had shared with Stormheart.
But he did not speak of Stormheart's true reason for existing- Ator was never to know that Stormheart meant to keep him from completely destroying what Cosmos had created.
But Ator had a great dislike for his sister.
It didn't surprise Cosmos in the slightest that Ator didn't like her- they were on completely opposite sides of the spectrum.
What Cosmos never realized was where Ator's mistrust originated from.
And the only memory that had escaped Cosmos' attack.
The memory of what once was...
The most important memory to be destroyed had slipped through Cosmos' fingertips.
With the knowledge that he had once been the one and only ruler in his realm, Ator grew uncertain of his place.
Why was Stormheart Hell bent on keeping a strangle hold on the light when she could simply say *to hell* with it and join him on the right side?
So, one faithful day, Ator approached his sister in the hopes of learning the reason for her obsession with light.
That was the day everything changed for Ator.
Curious, innocent Stormheart shared what was her's- not knowing the consequences of her actions.
The light was too much for Stormheart's brother who fell unconscious the moment he felt the light within his heart.
When he awoke he was different. It was as if he had been broken...
The memory of what he had once had was now his obsession... it was the only thing that kept him from falling into insanity.
The memory was more than an obsession, however.
It was a reminder of what he had once owned.
Cosmos' mistake was his ultimate downfall.
It angered Ator that Cosmos had allowed his sister to do what she had done...
The blame that was placed on both Cosmos and Stormheart was confusing them- until they realized the reason behind Ator's actions.
He remembered...
Remembered that he had had once been greater than he felt he was now.
The attack on Cosmos was not completely unexpected... but it was unexpected enough, seeming as The Creator died on the night that Ator avenged his stolen memory.
The same night found Stormheart bound by Ator's dark magic, held prisoner by the God of Darkness...
End of flashback
I felt drained, dead.
But the kindle of hope in me wouldn't leave me alone- I wanted to be away from here so badly that it hurt...
I couldn't give up on the delicate mortal humans...
I was seeing this through to the end...

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