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Current time
The darkness was eating at my soul, tearing at my heart.
But Ator wasn't going to break me.
Not yet at the very least.
I was the light, he was the darkness.
Speaking of my dark brother, Ator decided to pay a visit to my island realm...
His arrival set my heart racing, knowing that the pain wasn't too far away. Ator paused, glancing at my form, huddled in the corner. Smirking, he padded over to me, squatting down to look me in the eye.
*Oh, dear sister... how does it feel, to be a part of the darkness?* Ator hissed lightly. I couldn't stop the light shudder that ran through my body.
*You're not going to hurt my soul... I refuse to give in to you!* I spat, disgusted by my brother's words.
Ator's smirk vanished within seconds of my declaration.
I screamed at the sudden emotions pouring into my very soul, pounding through my blood, throbbing in my bones.
*QUIT IT!* I roared, banishing the emotions from my soul.
Ator smirked, sensing weakness.
*Had enough?* He questioned. I simply narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to hurt me further.
He didn't care- he was the darkness...
I banned him from my soul again and he smirked.
*When I'm free from your bonds your going to wish you were DEAD!* I snarled, jerking the black chains that bound my wrists.
Ator smiled sickly.
*Bite me...* He grinned at my attempts to free myself.
I gave him a look of disgust and turned my head away so I didn't have to continue to look at his sickeningly sweet smile.
The magic in the chains continued to drain my energy the more I fought again them.
*You know what will happen if you keep fighting those chains...* Ator said conversationally. *Yeah, yeah- I end up unconscious after a while... and dead if I actually manage to get out of them...* I shot a glare at my brother who feigned ignorance.
*More the reason to stand by my side...* Ator murmured, shooting me a calculating glance. I spat on the ground at his feet, making my meaning all the more clear.
There was NO way I was joining the dark side.
My brother narrowed his eyes to slits... and the pain returned...
*You thought that Cosmos was a saint- didn't you?!* Ator snarled. I shook my head, hoping that it would deter my brother for a second.
*I should have known you were a puppet in his little games...* My brother hissed, forcing his way into my mind.
Memory after memory surfaced- but none of them were what Ator was looking for.
*Never... never...* I groaned, breath coming out in raspy gasps. My brother tilted my chin up so that he could look me in the eye. ~what are you~ He thought, curiosity taking hold of his soul.
I jerked my chin out of his grip, fighting against Ator's magic chains. My strength waned quicker than usual, making me assume that my brother was increasing their power.
*Don't fight...* Ator growled, anger in his gaze. I glared at him, hating my situation... and hating him...
I had never hated anyone in my life...
Ator sighed, running a hand through his black hair.
*I wish you weren't so stubborn- we'd make a great team if you'd join my side...* My brother declared, giving me a once over.
*After what you've done to me I don't think that's even a remote possibility.* I growled, narrowing my eyes and tugging at my chains. Ator frowned at the restraints, deep in thought.
I narrowed my eyes further and rattled the chains again, hoping to make my brother feel guilty.
I flinched away from him as he reached to rest his hands on my temples.
*Stay still if you wish to live...* Ator hissed, practically flattening against the wall behind me in an attempt to stop my thrashing. I squirmed, practically spitting in rage.
I felt Ator's magic run through my body, shutting it down, starting with my mind and slowly making it's way towards my heart.
I knew what would happen when Ator's magic reached my heart...
I would be unconscious and remain so until he allowed my body to regain control...
*Please...* I begged, my voice barely topping a whisper.
I wasn't sure if I imagined the pain in my brother's gaze- but he knew how real it felt...
The fear in Stormheart's eyes was like a knife to the chest... but there was nothing to be done about it. If he was to go through with his latest plan then he needed her unconscious... at least for a while...
*I'll make sure that things are better when you wake up* Ator's voice whispered in my ear.
His words confused me... but I didn't get the chance to think about their meaning before darkness took hold and I lost all sense of time...

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