
6 0 0

Current time
The nurse was the only person in the room when I awoke...
I grunted in annoyance and shifted onto my other side only to fall back with a hiss of pain...
The nurse heard and came running to my side immediately. "Oh thank goodness you're awake!" She exclaimed.
"Just what happened...?" I inquired, turning in her direction.
"I was told that you started having convulsions and vomited on the floor of the classroom you were in..." She replied.
The memory of what occurred returned to me...
Along with the sound of screaming.
I clapped my hands over my ears as the sound grew in volume and pitch...
The nurse shook my shoulders but I didn't notice it- I only heard the sound of a person in pain...
It only took me a few seconds to realize that I was the one who was screaming- and I couldn't seem to stop...
"Aspen!" The voice started me into sense. I turned my haunted eyes on Maximus...
He took a deep breath before he continued to speak as if nothing had occurred.
"You're ok..." He whispered lightly into my ear. I chuckled darkly. "No, no I'm not..." I replied flatly.
I heard his worried sigh but chose to ignore it- I had things to figure out- and that certainly wasn't happening in a day...
Author's note: sorry for the late update and short chapter- I've not been able to think about how to go about this part so expect serious changes in the future, thank you for reading and have a good day,

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