゜ the beginning ゜

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As I stepped onto the train, I knew I was leaving all I had ever known behind. My family, my friends, and basically my entire life. I might as well sell my soul, because I might never see this place again.

As I sat down, I waved to my family, and opened my pouch. I stuck my hand in, and wriggled it around, only to find a letter. 

It read:

Dear Angelic, we hope that you enjoy, and have a great time wherever you go. We hope that you are able to fulfill all your dreams and wishes since you were small. Your own room, house, etc. We will all miss you, and it will be hard to fix the hole within our family. Nonetheless, we'll support you along the way, and don't be afraid to come back home!

xx Mom, Dad, and siblings

The letter almost made me regret leaving. The train hadn't even left yet, and I was already feeling homesick. I put the letter back, but I noticed my sister had written something: nɐɯolıl. 

Oh. It was just her name backwards. Maybe some music will come my nerves down? I took out my iLeaf™ mini, and my headphones. I set the music to Bubblegum K.K by the Dot Sisters.

This music is so calming..

Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt-


I cover my ears, bracing for more. Thankfully, he paused in the middle of his earrape.

"The train will now be leaving for Pamomaru! Please enjoy the unknown timed trip!" He chirped.


I thought this was a mystery trip!  

I sighed.

Maybe it'll be a good town. I can only hope for the best.

"Well, there's no turning back now.." I whispered.

I closed my eyes, and hoped for the trip to run smoothly. In a brief moment, I could hear footsteps. I turned my music up louder, but the person sat down.

I sighed once again, and opened my eyes.

To my surprise, a blue cat faced my view. It startled me a bit, but I regained confidence.

"Hey there! I'm Rover! What's your name?" He asked.

"A-Angelic.." I whispered so low, that not even the germs around me could hear it.

"Hm? Amerlic?" 

"N-no, Angelic." I spoke.

"Oh! What a cute name for a girl like you!"

My face flushed. "T-thank you.."

"So, Angelic was it? Why are you headed to Pamomaru? Is it your first time?"

Lyingly, I reply with a no.

"That place would be awarded for the most drama, don't you agree?"

Speechless, I just smiled. What did I say? I didn't know anything about this Pamomaru place!

He seemed to notice I was a bit uncomfortable, and his face gave a reassuring look.

"Hey, did I scare you with all of these questions?"

I didn't want to hurt him, so all I had to do was tell another white lie.

"N-no, not really.." 

"Are you sure?"


"Oh, I'm so sorry! Usually people are used to me asking questions."

Does he live on a train? That would explain a lot.

"So, why are you going to Pamomaru again?"

I looked outside the window. I gaze around the location, and then I spot a black and white Shih Tzu running towards the train. Then, two masked girls pulled her back, as the dog clinged to grass, not wanting to go to the broken town. The dog was clearly crying, and screaming.

I shuddered, and hear muffled speech. 

"Hello? Earth to Angelic?"

Breaking out of my trance, I see a confused Rover.


"I was asking you why you're going to Pamomaru?"

"I was meant to take a short trip, and have a new start.." I trailed off, trying not to cry.


"I was hoping to do some new things."

"You're certainly the type to do things like that!"

"Y-Yeah.." I chuckled.

"I'm assuming you believe in fate, right?"

I nodded, as the speaker turned back on.

"Now arriving to Pamomaru! Enjoy your time there!"

I grabbed my bag, and threw my hood over my head. Before I left, Rover headed me a map with a warm smile.

I smiled back, and stepped off the train.

New life, New beginnings. I hoped those beginnings would be great.


(A/N) How'd I do? Constructive criticism is welcome c:       

Angel into Pamomaruحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن