♢ time to work ♢

14 0 0

This chapter will be longer than other two.


I awoke to the sun gleaming in my face. I raised my hand over my face, groaning.

Might as well get up now..

I get up, and then glance down at my outfit.

"Sh*.." I had only packed one dress..

Oh well.  

I grabbed my bag and get out of my tent, only to see Ankha chatting with another cat.

I quickly hid behind a tree as they talked.

"Ugh, Rosie, life is SO unfair."

Rosie giggled and took a lemon out of her dress.

"You know, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!" 

She squirted the lemon, as lemon juice sprayed her dress.

Ankha squealed, as Rosie aimed at her face.

"You little.." Ankha pushed Rosie into the river and stormed off cackling, "Adieu, peasant!"

I gasped, and ran over to the river.


I threw my bag onto the ground and dived in. I grabbed the drenched cat from the river and threw her onto the land, saving her from death.

I grabbed my bag, put my glasses on.

Rosie was breathing hard, and shivering.

"A-Are you alright?"


"What happened?"

"I was t-talking to A-Ankha, and I made a small pun. But she pushed me into the water. I guess she doesn't like getting PUNched in the face with a pun." She smiled warmly.

I chuckled lightly at the joke, as Rosie smile widened.

"I'm Rosie! But I guess you know that since you were spying on us."

My eyes widened. She knew that I was there?!

"H-How did you know that?"

"People like me can sense, um.. things like you? But Ankha can't do it, she's jealous of my superpower." She said crossly.

"Well, why don't you come inside my tent? It's a bit warmer in there." I offered.

She nodded, and I carried her inside.

~timeskip or something~

I opened up my bag, placing disposable cups, and tea packets.

Casually, I made some tea and gave a cup to Rosie.

She sipped the tea and I did as well.

"You know, your the first real friend I've had. After Ankha, I guess."

I almost spit out my tea. "Friend? She almost killed you!"

"Well, we met at my sister's graduation party. She was really into astrology at the time too. We met, and instantly I felt like we were meant to be. Until today." She sighed.

"So, you weren't like her slave or anything?"

"When we were kids, no.. But when we got into high school, her dad got a job as a real estate agent. They became rich and well.. I kinda became her slave. So when we moved into Pamomaru, we were seen together so I was like her little pet."

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