Chapter Two - Responsibilities

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Rygel gazed longingly out of the window, towards the horizon, beyond the confines of his Kingdom. It was still awkward to him to think that he had never ventured all that far out of the walls. Considering the stories that Lupin had once told him, during the cleansing, boy's of his age would brandish a blade and titles. Rather, Rygel was stuck within the tower, surrounded by books and boredom. He truly enjoyed learning of the past, but in a certain capacity. The triumphs of heroes, the valiant efforts of knights and the chivalrous endeavours of a nation. These were topics that he would much rather were on Lupin's agenda, however, the god's didn't seem to be on his side when bringing him to a noble family.

"Rygel," Lupin said, resting his hands upon the long oak table as support. "This is surely knowledge you will need for when you come of age to claim your House's Lordship." Lupin was hunched over in his seat, with his hands shaking at the pressure that his frail body placed upon them. Rygel now averted his gaze from the window, reconfirming his mental presence within the room. He glanced up at Lupin's face, with white hairs flowing from it. Even for the Shaman of Kyrag, he seemed to have aged far beyond his years.

"Apologies," Rygel begrudgingly said. Trying helplessly not to look out of the window, to the sweet freedom he craved. "It's hard to not get caught up in the world," Rygel sighed.

"Indeed," Lupin said. Leaning back slightly in his chair. "But the things I teach you now, are the histories of what lies beyond that glass pane. The preservation of this knowledge is essential to our understanding of it. Anyways," Lupin said. As he struggled to re-position himself within his chair. "I believe we were speaking of noble houses today?"

Rygel nodded. "House's Magna and Blaiyd so far."

"Ah," Lupin said. As Rygel's eyes once again began to wander. It wasn't that he was uninterested at the subject. In fact, it often felt the opposite to him. Like his intrigue was drifting his eyes around the room. Piloting his senses with them. As Lupin began to sort back through his books and personal diaries Rygel's eyes landed upon the woman that escorted him to the tower. Lady Judith Moore - the Ravensbane.

Lady Judith was part of his father's honour guard - soldiers from his domains that he has chosen to be his knights. Of these, there was currently only three, with Judith being regarded as somewhat of a leader of them. With the other two, Lady Lysa P'tel, and Ser Lian taking orders from her. Especially the two that were in training. Rygel hadn't met Judith on a personal level, but from afar, she seemed to scorn at Lyris and D'maya more frequently than she did the others.

Rygel rarely stopped to see what Judith actually looked like. Noticing her mainly through her armour, and her blade - Nightbringer. It was a fitting name for the blade, with the darkened steel of the falchion acting as almost a warning for what was to come. Though, when Rygel stopped to properly look at her, it was strange. As if she wasn't comfortable within her own skin, constantly adjusting her black hair to the back of herself. Trying to maintain a knightly appearance at all times.

"Here we are," Lupin said. As if summoning Rygel back to reality. "House Kamir. This is one of the more interesting ones throughout history. This house has stood the test of time, even since the--"

"Since the cleansing," Rygel interjected. Lupin looked at him, with a surprised look.

"Indeed," Lupin said. "With their house playing a pivotal role within the formation of the Congregate. Though, in present times, their house is still as formidable. With one of the most potent lines of Irregulars within any noble house to record. Even our Knight's in training from the House - Lyris and D'maya - are prime examples of what their family can produce. With Lyris being a virtuous example of their hereditary Irregularity." Lupin paused for a moment, taking a drink of water to soothe his throat. Somewhat removing the dry sound from his tone, though not completely.

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