Chapter 12 - Carnifice

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The pit boomed with the cries of Kyrag's populace. Ryonis gazed across each and every one of them. He was surprised at the actual public outcry for the event, considering most people had accepted one of the acts as a norm. But he couldn't hold back the fact that he was at-least pleased with what he saw today. What he wasn't pleased with, however, was the number of soldiers it took to hold some of the people back. Some of them even hurled things from food to small rocks at Yorin, who was still chained in the pit at this time.

Granted, he agreed with their motive entirely. But they didn't know Ryonis' intent. If one of those rocks was to somehow hit and kill Yorin, the entire point of the execution would be void. The Shinai needed to be made. It was the only punishment that he deemed worthy.

Blake was still in the pit with Yorin. Ryonis had him setting up a makeshift gallows, just for the occasion. Not only would it be a punishment, but it would also be an example. One that would be followed. Even if the price was Blake's dodging and weaving through the things being pelted at him from every angle. That was something Ryonis sadly didn't account for... But Blake seemed to be doing fine enough.

He, Rygel, and the sworn Honour-guard approached the entrance to the pit. Ryonis had Lyris and D'maya working alongside the Lances, leading the crowd control effort. Which for the most part, was working. He carried the blade that would be used himself, having already run Rygel through the process earlier.

They entered the centre of the pit, to what could only be described as a mixed reaction from the populace. But this needed to be over quick. With the noose being their pulpit. With a single flick of Ryonis' hand, Blake dragged Yorin up by the chains. Allowing the dishevelled man to meet the gaze of the soldiers that surrounded him. Especially that of Ryonis.

"Yorin!" Ryonis called. Silencing the crowd and gathering their attention. If someone in the kingdom wasn't listening before, they would be now. Executions were never to be taken lightly, this was one that wouldn't break this rule. "You stand accused of murdering your own wife, butchering her!" At the sound of this, the crowd began murmuring amongst themselves. Casting judgemental glares that could burn through Yorin's head.

"Then, you beat your daughter like an animal! Attempting to kill her also. You laid your hands on the heir to Nikorian lordship," Ryonis' throat tightened. His voice beginning to show even more anger. "My son! Then you attempted to murder him..." Now the murmurs had grown into a loud uproar. With people seemingly on the brink of executing him themselves...

"The act of even attempting to kill a member of nobility is a crime of the highest order, of this much I'm sure you are aware." Ryonis's face tightened slightly. "Of these acts, I am sure you will deny none. But it is law that I ask if you do."

"None," Yorin replied, wincing through the pain of the still broken arm. Though the smile that grew on his face told a tale of theatrics, rather than that of someone repentant. His tone was vicious and repulsive. Ryonis was sickened by the sight of him.

"Blake," Ryonis said, leading him to escort Yorin up to the actual gallows itself. Which in reality, was a log with a wooden overhang. Just tall enough to get the job done. It was now that the rain started to come down, only a light drizzle. But enough to be a cause for annoyance. Though, the noose was placed around Yorin's neck nonetheless. Tight.

"Then I, Lord Ryonis of House Nikor, sentence you to die! But first... I must ask you if you have any last words," Ryonis said. "Not that you deserve them..."

"Only a few..." Yorin uttered in a venomous tone. "You, boy," he said. His eyes gazing towards Rygel. "Come here a moment..."

"Rygel," Ryonis said. "Don't," he grunted under his breath. But the look in his son's eyes wasn't one of reason. It was one he didn't feel he'd seen before. A wave of immense anger. That was the thing that pushed Rygel towards Yorin. Ryonis too approached, but kept enough distance.

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