Chapter Six -A Song of Gods

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D'maya took her seat within the war room, amidst other important faces of Kyrag. Of course, Lord Ryonis was there. The honour-guard too were seated amongst them. Lysa and Lian were the first of them to sit, Judith came in later. Lyris, of course, was no-where to be seen, which wasn't surprising for her at this point. She had a feeling he wouldn't come as they - unlike the rest - were not obliged to, however, she chose to attend anyway. What better a way to show her support and enthusiasm. Further down the row sat the pit-master and some of the higher-ranking nobles within Kyrag's confines. The Lord of House Krieg and the Lady of House Akyr.

D'maya adjusted her place within her seat, adjusting her hood in the process. Even in leather armour, looking presentable was paramount. She couldn't look like a ruffian. That much would be unacceptable. Her eyes began to dart around the candle-lit room, attentive and cold. She noticed the very few servants that were filling peoples cups, D'maya was seemingly no exception to this rule. Though judging as the contents of the cup was now cool water, she'd learned that this meeting would be on for a while. Otherwise... alcohol would have likely been involved.

She looked to Ryonis who was now prepared himself. His war-hammer resting against the warm hearth behind himself. He sat three seats away from her, with Lady Judith at his left hand and Lysa at his right. With Lian occupying the seat between Lady Judith and herself. The pit-master sat in the seat that would have been occupied by Lyris, the seat next to Lady Lysa P'tel. All but the Honour-guard were forbidden from bringing a weapon with them to the meeting. So, D'maya arrived unarmed, as... unnatural that it felt to her.

Though, there were two exceptions to this rule. Of course, Lord Ryonis was permitted his weapon, which within his own home would be his warhammer. Though, he carried an arming sword within a scabbard he wore. The blade was ornate but nothing special besides that. The other exception being that the other Lord's and Lady's present were allowed to bring one soldier of their choosing to the meeting, this soldier was permitted to be armed. This being done as if a nod to the practice of Kalligny's. Even with the other noble's bringing a soldier between them, it wasn't out of fear or malice. If anything, it was a formality as a tradition at this point. It would seem off to violate such an old practice, so it was one that they fruitfully kept.

Still, one thing that eased D'maya's mind was the knowledge that the people surrounding her were all skilled fighters. If anything was to break out, she knew that Lord Ryonis' life would be within good hands, even if those hands were not her's. Besides, she didn't think that the worst would happen, at least, as of yet. But she thought it wise to prepare for the worst. The last time she hadn't prepared for the worst was that day... the day that Lyris disappeared without a trace for three years. The beginning of the loneliest and angriest years of her life.

"So," Lord Ryonis began. A borderline disheartened tone graced his tongue, yet it remained somewhat hopeful. "I presume you all know why we're here?" Lord Ryonis was met with nods and quiet murmurs from along the table. D'maya, however, remained silent.

"Blake," Lord Ryonis continued. "Have you checked the food stores?"

"Aye, I have M'lord," Blake promptly replied. D'maya had spoken to the pit-master on occasion, typically informally. But he seemed to be well versed in carrying himself with formality. It was intriguing, to say the least. "The citizens of Kyrag could last maybe three years on what we have now. That amount of time would only increase. However," he said. There's always a but... "The towns and cities furthest from our reaches such as Giliard and Sina will likely run out within the better part of four months..."

"That can't be the case!" The Lady of house Akyr exclaimed. Her soldier shared the same surprised expression.

"Surely there must be some way to make arrangements!" The other Lord replied.

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