Chapter 11 - Focus

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A restless night was all that befell Raika. How could she have been expected to sleep after what happened? It was an impossibility. Each time she closed her eyes she was met with a scarring image. It sent shivers through her entire being whenever the thought crossed her mind. It was... more than disturbing to her.

She lifted herself up from her resting position in the bed, needing to muster all of her strength to do so. It dumbfounded her with how drained she felt. Her head now beginning to pulsate a rhythm of discomfort. She rubbed her head lightly, hoping it would do at-least something for the pain. The only thing that this managed was to bring a yawn to her throat before she stood. Her limbs creaking as she stretched. Still... it couldn't be worse than what Eva experienced. Raika grimaced at the thought.

It was that night that she saw a different side to fear. The side that rarely showed itself, not the primal side of it, the side in which you run or fight. No... this was something beyond that. It wasn't fleeting as the moments had, this fear, it lingered. Raika felt as if she wasn't even truly alone when she was. Even jumping at the slightest cry of a hawk that flew within Kyrag's walls. She felt suffocated by the world, it didn't feel right. In-fact, nothing did recently.

"Wh...where?" A dry voice began. The sound was... horrible to say the least of it. Raika turned her head. Noting Eva trying to force herself up.

"Don't force your self up so quickly!" Raika said, full of concern. She rushed to Eva's side, ensuring she didn't pull herself up. Eva winced slightly as Raika laid her hands on her shoulders. She mist have been in unimaginable pain.

She looked down at her, noting how her smile still hadn't faded. That much was bliss for Raika to see. But it was her eyes that truly showed how she felt, two feelings that Raika was recently acquainted with. Pain and fear. Eva seemed more acquainted than most...

"Were's Rygel?" Eva croaked. Her voice sounding ever more coarse.

"God's!" Raika exclaimed. "I'll need to fetch you some water for that throat. Rygel..." Raika's mind faltered for a moment. Thinking of how hurt Rygel looked. She'd never seen anger twist his face that much before. It was a horrible sight. "Rygel had to go with my father for the time being. Though," she said. Trying to lay as cautious a hand as possible on Eva's shoulder. "Without his arduous persuasion, I doubt he would have left your side at all!" Eva blushed at that comment. It made sense as to why.

"Is he okay?" her voice croaked once more, prompting Raika to scout the room for any loose water. Though, she turned up empty in that regard.

"He's fine," Raika lied. She couldn't worry Eva now, not like this anyway. Granted, Rygel was physically fine, other than the odd bruise or scratch. But on the inside, Raika had no clue how he felt. All she knew was that it wasn't how he should have. It was painful to see him that way...

"He told me he'd be back as soon as he could," Raika said, smiling. She knew one thing for certain, Rygel wouldn't want to be apart from her for long. Though... apparently the execution was to be today, to get it over with quickly. To make an example... for Rygel to make an example. Raika couldn't bare to fathom how that felt.

"Good," Eva said. This time, with a genuine smile falling upon her face. Sombre, but sweet.

"Apologies though," Raika said, "I wish I could stay for longer." Her voice now felt like she stabbed herself with the point. She wished to be able to comfort her. But she found that wants and duty seldom mixed. "But Lupin needs me for a lesson."

"Oh," Eva said. Her face sinking slightly. She mustn't have wanted to be alone anymore, especially after how lonely her life must have been. Those few moments... "I didn't realise you would be so busy," she once again smiled. "Can I see you later?"

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