Chapter 16 "Already falling for me"

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Roseanne POV

"I.....think I like you" she said and my eyes widened

"I like you!" She said it louder

"I like you Roseanne! More than I thought!" She said and I froze

"I-I'm Sorry, but I don't feel the same way" I said and she looks sad

"I'm sorry, but you have a boyfriend. That's why I can't like you. I'm a threat to you. You're the reason I got stabbed. How can you like me when I almost got you killed?"

I heard Lisa groan loudly "Don't believe what Taehyung said okay? I don't even love him or like him. I never had. I never like someone until I saw you.." She said with tears in her eyes

"But still, you got stabbed because of me." I whispered

"Can't you tell I did that on purpose!! I didn't want you to get stabbed so I did it!" She said "Why?" I whispered "Because when you get hurt, I can't stay still or sleep. It drives me crazy when I see you get hurt even if it's little. I rather get hurt than you" she whispered and I hugged her.

"I want you" She said

"I want you too, but not now" I whispered and she smiled.

She kissed my forehead and I let go of her

"Goodnight, my cookie" she said "Night, Lisa" I said and she left.

It was the next day and I'm nervous. It was the day after since Lisa confess her feelings for me.

I walked to her office and opened the door, but before I go in. I took a peak in the room trying to look for Lisa, but she wasn't in her office.

"Looking for someone?" I flinched by the voice behind me causing me to fell.

I look up and saw Lisa smirking

"Already falling for me?" She smirked and I got off from her

"N-No, but thanks for catching me" I whispered "It's fine, I'm always here" she said then to her office.

All day Lisa kept looking at me and smiled. I caught her looking and she kept looking. I was blushing not knowing why "Roseanne?" Lisa said "Uh Yeah?" I said "Can you check the 1st floor if my meeting is ready?" She said and I nodded leaving the office.

I check if the meeting was ready and they said 10 more minutes, I was on the first floor until someone call my name

"ROSEANNE!" Someone said behind me so I turned around. I saw Irene so I ran up to her and hugged her.

"I never thanked you for what you did at the night of the storm" I said and she smiled "Well, you're welcome" The dark hair girl said. and I saw her tie crooked so I giggled .

"Why are you laughing?" She said "Your tie is crooked" I said and she looks at her tie and grown. "Sorry, I don't know how to tie it" she said struggling to fix it.

"Here let me help" I said and wrapped my arms around her neck.

I fixed her tie and she was staring at me.

"There you go, good as new" I said "thanks" she said "Maybe, we could hang out sometime yeah?" She said and I nodded "Yeah, that will be great actually"

"Here's my phone number" Irene wrote her phone number and I smiled "thanks, I'll text you later" I said and she left.

I turned back around only to be stopped by Lisa standing there looking at me. Was she staring at us the whole time?

Her jaw and fist was clenched. She was breathing heavy so I made my way up to her slowly.

Is she jealous?

"Hey Lisa" I said and she looks angry "why were you talking to her?" She said looking at me with her arms crossed.

"Sorry, she noticed me first. Her tie was crooked so I fixed it and plus she gave me her number so we could hangout" I said and she looks angry.

"It's fine" she said "What are you doing here?" I said " were talking too long. Is the meeting ready?" she said and I nodded.

"Let's go to your office first" I said we walked to the elevator.

The elevator door opens and I pressed the top floor. The door closes and I can feel Lisa staring at me.

It was just us two in the elevator...

"Fuck it" she said and suddenly being slam against the wall, her arms pinned above me.

She bit my lip and starts sucking on my neck. I breath out loudly and then the elevator stops moving so she stops kissing me and walks out of her elevator like nothing happened.

What was that?

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