3rrd Periood ; U.S History♥️

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Im so hungry for lunch right now , So i as i was making my way to my third period class i went to the vending machine .

I quickly scanned what they had in there , Low fat , low fat !

Where the fuck is the takis && the Arizona fruit punch juice 💁 .

Excuse me Mrs.Obama can you please put back the unhealthy food ? Please && thannks 😊

So i just got some low Fat lays with a make you happy chocolate milk .

I ran halfway over to my next class , My teacher name kinda sound Trinidadian.

Ms.Minaj . Kindaa has a ring to it lol , But no . I took a seat next to a girl not a boy this time .

I hope you don't think A'lani a thot ...

" Hi Class I'm Ms.minaj , i am your u.s history teacher . " Minaj said

" Hi I'm Tinashe , Whats your name ? " Tinashe said , oh she think we friendds ?

" Im A'lani ." I said turning my head back to my work.

" Please Take out Your U.S History books && go to page 236 , numbers 5-10 " Ms.Minaj said flipping her weave over && over again .

I begaan to work on my class work && texted Lazarus .

Its just something about him 😍

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