6th Periood ; Spanish 2 ❤️

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Not to be races , but i have no idea whats going to happened in spanish , i know some spanish shit is going to go down .

But imma get threw this class , imma know . The bell rung for 5th period .

Im so happy that school is almost over this is just to much . To Too much , abouut to start dozing off 😂😂😂😂 .

" Perra" A little white girl said to me while i tripped over the back of her shoe.

"Ver la puta mierda. " I instantly shot back , i said watch the fuck out bitch . i understand some of it .

" Okay class , I'm Miss Dejesus and I'm your spanish teacher " Yeah what she said lol .

" I just cant rn . " All outtta the blue my stomach started hurting. i raised my hand .

" Miss Dejesus , can i go to the nurse ?" i said , felling i was at the verge of throwing up.

" Hell to the no , mhm another kid pulled that shit las- "

I got up from my seat and walked to the nurse , nurse Susie told me to call my mommaa .

My momma showed up and dropped off home , and i went to sleep .

I faked it , my momma found out and i went back to school arriving in 7th periodd .

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