The Beginning

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Authors note: Hey peoples!! I'll just tell you now, This is one of my first books, so please tell me if there is any mistakes! Thanks!

Avery's POV
Twelve Months Ago....
It was dark, and it was dank, I felt hot and cold. I didn't know where I was, but I knew it wasn't a good place to be, I don't want to be here. And that was all I thought about at that moment, I was in a dusty black cell with red glowing bars that misted over with inner most fears of people everywhere, and to be honest it spooked me, a LOT. I recognised it as Hell's prison. Crap, what have I done? It must've been something really bad. I felt like there was a presence I was missing, not a bad presence, but a presence that was important to me in a way I wasn't sure was heathy... at all. My eyes were drawn to the red bars, whispering curses and memory's people probably wanted to forget long millennia ago, I saw a grey mist swirling inside the bars that frightened so many before me, and felt pure, brutal, unadulterated fear trickling down my spine. I heard a deafening screech. One that would most certainly scare anyone to the bone.

I woke up shivering in my room. I took comfort in my dark blue and green room. They were the only colours I could find that weren't like my brothers or parents. I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to like my parents as.....well.....parents. They were really strict, but so was everyone, and they were shocked I didn't paint my room blood red with black edgings, like everyone else on Hell. Oh yeah, I live in Hell, and I don't like it here. Now you're probably wondering, 'whaaaaat? She doesn't like Hell? But she was born there! She grew up there! What's wrong with her?' And yes, I know I am different, and I feel like I don't belong here. I was supposed to get my wings two years ago when I turned fifteen, but I didn't. That has never been heard of in Demon History, and trust me, I've read lots of the books in the library. Don't blame me! I had nothing else to do for like, twelve years! My seventeenth birthday is on Jesus's birthday, the 25th of Christmas. No devil has ever had their birthday on that day. No devil can. But, apparently, I don't apply. My parents like my brothers more than me, and treat me like their personal slave. I got out of bed and dressed in my usual-black jeans, black t- shirt and dark blue fingerless elbow gloves. I headed down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge and grabbed some cranberry juice and pored it in a glass from the cupboard. After I had drunk the juice, I set to work cooking breakfast. I grabbed bacon, eggs and pancake batter. The bacon started sizzling and popping, which my family came down to. My older brothers Michel and London stole some of the pancakes and bacon pieces. They always did this, so I always baked more. My family lived like pigs, and I had to do all the chores. I usually didn't get much to eat, so I was surprised when my mum gave me a plate stacked with food, instead of empty. "Sit down Avery. We need to talk." I rarely got told to sit down, and everyone usually acted like I wasn't even here. Now my mother, father and two brothers were staring at me expressionlessly. That made me even more nervous. I sat down. "Now Avery, as you know, every demon when they turn seventeen find their mates. Sometimes angels are joined with demons. So at the end of the year, God is holding a ball for his son, Prince Leon, an Satan is also joining the ball with his son, Prince Derrik. They are both looking for their mates, since they have turned seventeen. You will be attending, because you have a chance of being the mate of one of them. So we are going to be doing the chores, and you are going to be beautified, fattened up, and treated like family. If you are chosen, you can't tell them about how we treated you, understand?" I nodded my head. So they were doing this because I might be chosen as one of the Prince's mate. I hope I do, because then I can get away from this hellhole of a family. (Pun intended.)

Hey peoples! As you know, these books are by me, and I am Doctor Who's daughter, don't ask how. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love, Kitty





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