You're insecure - Calum

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Words: 821
Description: You go to go swimming with the boys, but you become insecure so calum comforts you.

Warnings: possibly triggering content, swearing
It was the middle of summer and you and cal were going to hang out with the guys, and were getting ready.

You were supposed to go swimming at mikey's house so cal grabbed yours and his swimsuits and put them in a bag to take them. You and him got dressed and left for Michaels house.

Once you got there calum changed into his swimsuit and walked out back by all of the guys. You walked outside and sat on the chair wearing cals hoodie and some sweatpants.

"Babe why don't you get dressed and come swimming?" Calum said from the pool. "Yeah its like 90 degrees and you're in a hoodie" luke laughed splashing cal with water.

"Im okay. Its not that hot outside anyways." You said looking down. Calum shrugged and him and the guys were swimming for around an hour before cal talked to you again.

He got out of the pool and walked over to you and talked quietly so nobody else could hear "babe why are you in a hoodie and sweats luke was right its 90 degrees out theres no way you aren't hot right now".

"Calum I said im fine!" You accidentally said too loud drawing the attention of the other 3 boys. You looked at them and just walked inside to the bathroom and locked the door.

You started crying softly not wanting any of them to hear you. All you could hear in the moment was your thoughts

Im ugly

Why is he with me?

Nobody should see me

You suddenly heard a knock on the door waking you out of your thoughts. "Hey y/n? Are you okay?" You heard ashton's voice say.

"Y-yeah I'm just going to the b-bathroom" you said shakily hoping he wouldn't notice. "I know thats not true can I come in?" Ashton said putting his hand on the doorknob.

"N-no stay away" you started to cry again unable to control yourself anymore. Ashton got worried you were doing something bad so he went and got cal.

After awhile you heard calums voice outside the bathroom door. "Baby let me in.. is this locked?".

You were about to say yes so he wouldn't come in but he opened the door and shut it behind him. "Why are you crying are you okay? What happened?" He said coming over to calm you down.

All you could do was cry more in his arms. You were shaking and he seemed to notice. "Baby breathe please" he said holding you.

After awhile you finally calmed down enough to be able to talk. "I dont wanna tell you" you mumbled shaking in his arms still.

"Please bub?" He said not wanting to pressure you too much. "I just.. im so ugly cal.. im not thin and not to mention my face is ugly and I just don't know anymore" you started to cry again.

He almost started to cry hearing what you said about yourself. "Baby no.. you aren't ugly at all, you face and body are so beautiful" he said starting to rub your back.

"Actually I love so much more about you too.. you're kind, really fucking beautiful, you care for everybody, you always make sure me and the guys are okay, I could go on and on" he said holding you.

"R-really?" You said looking up at him. "Really." He looked down at you. You could tell he was serious by the way he was talking.

"I-im sorry cal.." you said finally starting to fully calm down. "Don't be sorry.. can I just ask you one more thing?"

You nodded at him. "Who made you feel this way?" He said looking down at you. "I-i.." you said but he cut you off. "Baby please tell me.. it wasn't me..right?" He said wiping your tears.

"N-no.. it was m-myself.. and the fans... but mostly m-me" you said looking down. "Baby.. why didn't you tell me sooner? there's no reason for you to think that way about yourself" he lifted your chin up to look at him.

"Im sorry.." you looked into his eyes waiting for him to say something. "There's no reason to be." He grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. "Now how about we go back outside by the guys? If you don't feel comfortable swimming you don't have to" he suggested.

You nodded and wiped your face walking back outside with him. "Is she okay?" Ashton said genuinely worried. "She's fine ash.. thank you" cal said hugging you tight. This made you realize how much Calum really loved and cared for you.

A/N: whats up I finally posted again haha. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this one


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