Arguments - Michael

48 1 4

Words: 954
Description: You and Michael get in an argument but end up making up.

Warnings: fighting, cussing
You and Michael had been arguing a lot recently for some reason. Today had been one of those days.

You were laying on the couch while mikey was playing games on his laptop next to you. "Hey mikey?" You said quietly not wanting to interrupt his game.

"Whats up?" He paused his game and looked at you. "Can I go hang out with ash today?" You said looking up at him not knowing why you were even asking his permission to go out.

"Why do you hang with him so much recently" Michael said rolling his eyes turning his game on again.

"I just figured if you were hanging with luke today and playing your game that I could just go hang with Ashton or something.." you said looking away from him.

"Yeah whatever that's obviously not the reason" he sighed finishing the round of his game.

"I shouldn't have even asked. Im allowed to do whatever I want anyways.." you said looking back at him. "Obviously you wanna hang out with him so bad for some reason." He says getting up and you follow him.

"What do you mean michael?" You said following him to the kitchen where he sat down.

"Y/N I mean you're always with Ashton it's stupid he's not your boyfriend, I am." He sighed. "Mikey im allowed to live my life ashton is just my best friend nothing more. Why is this pissing you off so much?" You said slightly raising your voice starting to get upset.

"Because you spend too much time with him!" He says standing up. "I do not! Im allowed to do whatever I want michael" you said standing up about to walk away but he pulls you back.

"You obviously like him more than me! All you talk about is ashton im getting so sick of it! You like my bandmate more than your own boyfriend!" He says grabbing onto you harder.

"Stop that hurts! I never said I liked him more!" You try and pull your arm away but he doesn't let you.

Michael started walking closer to you causing you to slowly back up but he was still grabbing your arm.

"Please Michael it hurts let go" you said quietly starting to tear up. "I don't see why you never wanna hang out with me!" He says still yelling and towering over you.

"I get it im sorry please let go" you said starting to softly cry. "Why do you not answer me!" He says letting go of you slightly but still holding on.

"Michael im sorry i'll stop going by ashton just please I can't feel my hand" you said quietly not wanting to upset him any more.

"God damn do you ever shut up?!" He said loudly and letting go of you.

"Im sorry if you hate me so much I'll leave!" You said trying not to cry anymore.

Finally he started to realize what he was doing and immediately stopped yelling. "N-no please don't leave" he said with his voice cracking.

"Why should I stay you keep fighting with me all I wanted to do was see my best friend, I never said I didn't love you Michael" you said starting to cry again. "Please don't leave me" he said starting to cry himself.

"I just don't want you to leave me for ashton im too scared to lose you because I love you" he said still crying.

"You'd never lose me.." you said looking up at him trying to not cry harder.

"Im sorry I was so mean im just scared" he said looking at you. "I just need time to think Michael.. im going in the room.. alone." you said walking to your shared bedroom sitting down.

He knew he needed to just leave you alone he didn't wanna make things worse. After 30 minutes you finally decided to walk out of the room and you found michael asleep on the couch.

"Mikey?" You said quietly sitting on the floor next to him. He slowly woke up and hugged you. "Im so sorry" he said trying to not cry again.

"Its okay mikey.." you said hugging him. "Dont cry" you continued.

"I-it is okay?.. i-i hurt you t-though" he said pulling away from you. "I'll be okay.." you said climbing next to him and cuddling up with him.

"How bad is it?" He said covering you two up with a blanket. "It's just bruised mikey im okay I swear" you said trying to get him to understand you were alright.

He sighed upset that he hurt you. "Im still sorry.." he said holding you.

"Its okay bub" you said cuddling up to him more. "Please lets just never fight again" he says looking down at you.

You smiled at how much you loved him. "We'll try" you said holding his hand. He smiled at you and you slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"If you wanna go by ash you can" he said holding you. "Mm.. no. Im okay right here right now" you said giggling still falling asleep.

The next thing you know you fall asleep in his arms as he kissed you on the forehead. "I love you baby" he says quietly holding you as he drifted off to sleep aswell.

A/N: Sorry most of these are sad imagines ngl but I promise im working on some happier ones 😂

Im trying to have some requests so I can write more so if you have any feel free to send them to me and I'll work on writing them :)

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