Can't Sleep - Mikey

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Words: 1k
Description/notes: You get upset and Mikey helps make your day better by doing the things you love, and overall being the best boyfriend that could ever exist <3

Warnings: mentions of insomnia/ depressive episodes
Sometimes you had days where everything was just gone and you were out of it. It happened to be one of those days, and of course Michael noticed it.  He always noticed anything with you. He really always wanted you okay.

He payed very close attention to you always. He knew when one simple thing was wrong, when you were sad, happy, etc. He always knew when something wasn't right and always knew how to act when something happened.

It was important to him that you were always as happy as he could make you. Today he noticed you weren't yourself; he noticed you weren't happy, or jumping around listening to your favorite songs or telling him about your day.

Obviously as soon as he noticed this he had to take action. He wanted a way to subtly be able to help you without being too overbearing not wanting to upset you more. While he was thinking he decided to go on twitch and livestream his game, while you were napping in the living room.

Just as he finished up on his stream he decided to walk out by you to see you finally waking up. He sat down next to you on the couch and cuddled up to you. "Hey baby" he said smiling at you.

"I just wanted you to know that I love you.. and as soon as you're ready to talk im here to listen" he says holding your hand as you lay your head down on his chest not saying anything but nodding with a small smile to him.

A little while later he mentioned he had to go to the store so you decided to nap again. Soon later you felt Mikey shake you awake from you nap, and this time felt you had your favorite blanket over you and he had changed you into comfy clothes.

"Hi mikey" you said yawning and giving him a small smile. "Hi princess!" He said happily knowing that since you were talking you were starting to feel the smallest bit better.

After a couple seconds he spoke again. "Hey baby, I got you something" he smiled at you and handed you a bag.  You opened it and it was an outfit you had wanted but never got around to buying yourself.

It made you smile but you started to feel bad he spent the money on it for you. "Why did you get me it?" You said looking up at him smiling still. "Because I wanted to" he shrugged and smiled seeing how happy you were. "Thank you!" You smiled and kissed him.

Later in the day mikey decided to play video games with you knowing it would help cheer you up. This ended up helping you a lot. When you were done you decided to cuddle up with Michael and try and get some rest too tired to move from the couch to your shared bedroom.

You tried to sleep but just couldn't. "I can't sleep.. im so tired" you said looking up at Michael. He thought for a couple seconds and thought of something that might have helped.

"Wanna go on a night drive? I know its almost 1 am but it'll be fun" mikey said smiling down at you. You nodded because you loved night drives with Mikey.

You guys got in the car as he started slowly driving with one of his hands on you thigh. Throughout the whole thing you decided to listen to music, talk, he sang to you, etc.

This was extremely helpful and eventually you started to become tired. Near the end he was softly singing to you as you had your eyes closed but still were awake.

"M ready to go home" you mumbled finally realizing you may be able to sleep. He drove home and by the time you two had got home you realized it had been 3 hours.

When you got there he picked you up out of the car and carried you inside to your shared bedroom and he grabbed your favorite blanket from the couch and brought it to you.

He laid down next to you and the dogs came in the room and jumped on the bed laying down as well. "Did that help?" He said looking at you ready to stay up longer if you had said you still couldn't sleep.

You were his world and all he ever wanted was you to be happy. If you couldn't sleep that meant he would do whatever it took to help you. He never wanted you to be upset or think that he wasn't there for you because he always would be there for you.

You nodded to answer his question and spoke "thank you mikey.. it meant a lot to me". "It was no problem babygirl. Id do it again if I had do" he said smiling at you. You started to tear up from what he said. "I love you michael" you said smiling and kissing him.

"I love you too" he said kissing you back. As you started falling asleep for the night he started to speak again. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" he mumbled quietly and smiled and you didn't end up hearing before you fell asleep.

You never realized that not even a week after this moment he would be proposing to you and officially being able to spend the rest of his life with you. His world.

A/N: So I got this idea while writing fan fictions through texts with angelicmashton and decided to write a full imagine out of it because why not😂💖

This one definitely makes my heart uwu and thats on Michael being the softest human being ever🥰

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