Chapter Four

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I GetCalled Out

I took a breath as I exited with Jax.

"Is it that receptionist?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, slightly creeped. "How'd you know?"

"She flips over all newbies."

"You'd think that'd get old."

"Yeah, well some things continue to fascinate people."

"Didn't seem too fascinated by me."


"But am I really in the Noble Institution?"

"The one and only. Why?"

"The receptionist practically shoved me into that elevator. Said my superior warned her about early arrivals or something like that. Figured that I was in some kind of trouble."

"That happens sometimes. Lemme guess: three days? If she's shoving people into elevators​, that's usually the reason why."

"Try a month," said a voice, startling me.

"Oh Jesus!" I shouted, turning to see the receptionist.

"She does that too," Jax said, "but a MONTH!?"

"Yeah. Is that ...bad thing?" Jax and the receptionist looked at each other, and then back at me. "What?"

"Well, one-monthers, as we call them, are... special."

"Special how?"

"They get put on certain regimens that are above normal standards," the receptionist answered. "They're considered to be more efficient–" she was cut short by someone shouting.

"Pax! Pax!" I'm not sure why, but I turned in the direction of the voice. Someone, with a smile on her face, was running towards me. "Oh, thank Triymous! I'm glad I found you!"

"Uhhh..." I was genuinely confused.

"Ladasha," Jax said, "What are you talking about?"

"Pax knows, right?" Ladasha turned to me.

"I... Don't think I do..." I said.

"You lost me in luminal transit! Like, almost a year ago!"

"Luminal transit? That stuff's only been theoreticized."

"Come on, dude. You don't have to pretend!"

"I'm not. I legitimately have no idea who you think I am, nor do I know who you are, aside from your name."

"You-you're serious?"

"I'm​ not this 'Pax' you're looking for, nor do I know anyone named Pax. My name is Helios Sol Radiatose."


"I'm sorry. Maybe if I had a picture of the guy...?" Ladasha sighed.

"It wouldn't do much good."

"Why not?"

"Because he looks exactly like you!"

"I don't have a twin..."

"Ugh!" She stormed off. For whatever reason, I felt terrible.

"Don't take it too hard," Jax said. "Everyone thinks she's crazy."

"She's either crazy," I said, "or truly distraught, and I'm inclined to believe the latter."

"Why? The person she's looking for, unless he exists in some kind of fantasy world, has to be you."

"Maybe. Maybe not." I had a theory, which is based solely on the fact that she was completely lucid. The name Pax, triggered something I remembered reading... I just needed to confirm it. "Hey!" I ran after her. She turned, and the look on her face was almost murderous.

"What?" she asked.

"Look, I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but seriously, I think I picture of this guy... Could help me help you." She sighed, pulled something out of her pocket and slammed it into my chest.

"Now tell me that this guy doesn't look like you." I looked at the picture, and like Ladasha said, it was like looking into a mirror. The only difference being that the guy in the picture looked like he was going for "Dragon Ball Z" cosplay, or something. Taking that together with everything else Ladasha said to me...

"Ladasha, you said I –he– lost you in luminal transit, right?"


"Where were you guys travelling from?" Ladasha shook her head.

"If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't believe me."

"There's a reason for that," I heard Jax say. I ignored her.

"I can assure you that I am one hundred percent within my right mind." I said. "So, try me."

"Just forget it," Ladasha sighed. "Thanks, anyway." She walked on. There was one last thing I had to try. If everything Ladasha told me was true...

"Ladasha," I said. "Sei'voh fo Sey-aa'iue?" Are you from Speelsaîūm? Ladasha stopped dead in her tracks. She turned very slowly.

"What did you just say?" she asked.

"I asked ie'voh wei'fo Sey-aa'iue." If you were from Speelsaîūm.


"Yes, I do. Look, does this place have a library?"


"There's a book I've started reading that I think can help you; look up this title: 'Tri'tir'tee' bye te Sien'Sci." 313, by the Silent Scribe.

"O-okay..." She turned and walked away stiffly, hopefully in the direction of the library. I turned and walked back to Jax and the receptionist.

"Uh," Jax started. "What was that?"

"Ditto," said the receptionist.

"Tell you later," I said. "Come on. Where's this Solar Division?"

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