Chapter Nine

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Down the Hatch

"Earthquakes ​on the sun?" Apollo asked me as the elevator descended. "That's... unsettling to say the least."

"And you said your computer alerted you to this?" Ladasha asked.

"I know it's weird," I answered, "but yeah."

"Advanced A.I. or otherwise," Apollo said, "1704 shouldn't have had ​any​ information about project Di-At."

"She didn't. It was just an anomaly she detected."

"She?" Ladasha snickered.

"Yes​ 'she.' I named her Vaio." Ladasha continued to laugh.


"I told you why! I'm the only one in my division and Vaio was all I had to talk to. I'm glad that she talks back."

"Wait, you were serious!?"

"What would you do if all you had was an A.I. laptop?"

"Geez. I'm sorry, I... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't worry about it. You were right before, it is crazy, but maybe crazy things happen to crazy people."

"Neither of you," Apollo said, "are crazy by your own merits. I feel that 'driven' is a better word. 'Impulsive,' 'persistent,' 'fear-inducing' even. But not crazy."

"Shoulda seen him in the field," Ladasha pointed out. "Guy was a ​maniac​."

"I did observe him. And I attribute his style to pure instinct and strategy. Insanity it's rarely a theory I subscribe to." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. "Excuse me, but I need to utilize the facilities. I shall return." As I turned to watch him go, I looked outside and realized that I was on the floor that my whole adventure started on. I was tempted to try and find my old quarters, but something held me back. I would never figure out what. I looked a little to my right, and I saw the receptionist. She seemed a bit more casual than the last time I saw her, which was a little over eighteen hours ago, based on my estimation. She saw me and smiled. I nodded to her, and she walked over.

"Hello, Helios," she said​.


"Figured you'd stop by. I wanted to give you this." She presented me with an auto. "I know it's standard looking, but I figured you'd still want your first!"


"Remember when I freaked and told you to hit the blue button?"

"Yeah." Realization slapped me in the face. "Wait, is this ​that gun?"

"Yep!" I took my old rifle.

"Not that I'm not grateful, but why?"

"It just seemed like something you'd want after the... initiation."


"An entrance test," Ladasha explained, "to test your skill upon entrance, and to gauge how well you perform under pressure."

"Exactly," the receptionist said. "Look, I'm an FPS nerd." Could've fooled me, I thought. "And I've seen ridiculous​ differences in skill levels in the field. I've​ never​ seen a newbie take out so many infantries at once, and still be awake after getting arced." I understood the sentiment she had, but even so, it was still just a gun. I wouldn't know what to do with it... Yes, I did. "Here," I said, giving my auto back to her.

"Wait, why–"

"You obviously went through all the trouble of finding it. I deeply appreciate that, and thank you. But if this institution is a training center for some kind of battle, in real life, chances are, I'll lose it again."

"You... Don't want to keep it?"

"I do, but with you. If you care enough to find it, then you should keep it. I'd much rather that, than to lose it again and let ​your​ efforts go to waste. Hold on to it for me. Who knows? When the time comes, I may need a spare weapon." The receptionist's face lit up.

"I won't let you down!" I nodded and saw Apollo approaching behind the receptionist. "Ah," he sighed. "Off we go–oh! Hello, and pardon me Ms. Thori-zen!"

"H-hi, Apollo."

"What brings you here?"

"Just talking to Helios."

"Ah! Well since you two are acquainted, you'll be happy to know that Mr. Radiatose is heading to project Di-At."

"Really!? Congrats!"

"Thanks," I said.

"Forgive me for asking, Ms. Thori-zen," Apollo said, "but why are you carrying an AR5?"

"Oh! Helios gave it to me," she answered. "Sort of for safekeeping."

"Very well, then. Off we go!" Apollo pushed the button. As the doors closed, the receptionist waved at me. The elevated continued to descend. Ladasha started laughing again.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing," she said. "She just seemed very... bouncy."

"So? Jax told me she's always fascinated by stuff."

"Like a rifle you cared nothing about​."

"Whether that is the case or not, what's your point?"

"I believe," Apollo said, "Ms. Ri'Cass means to infer that Ms. Thori-zen if interested in you."

"Not all that surprising given that I'm the only Solenoid here. I doubt she'd be interested in me like ​that.​" Apollo and Ladasha exchanged some kind of in-the-know looks with each other, and then looked back at me.

"Whatever," Ladasha laughed.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

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