Chapter Six

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Meet the Injector

"You can​ fly!?​" Jax said as we left the training field. "Since when could you ​do​ that!?"

"About seven seconds ago," I said.


"Why do you think I asked you if you trusted me?"

"You ​suck!!​" We flew for about five more seconds before I heard an explosion behind us. "What was that?"

"That gun I was shooting?"


"I may or may not have caused it to overload."

"Gun explosions shouldn't be​ that​ big! That shouldn't even happen!"

"Not when I'm shooting– Whoa!" I began feeling nauseous. "We need to land. Like ​now​. Please tell me we're close to the Solar Division!" My head started spinning, and I started to drop. Jax slapped me, and I became temporarily more alert.

"You are ​not​ dropping me! You made me jump from an unstable scaffolding and then blasted off ten meters into the air! No ​way​ am I letting you drop me from this high!"

"Might not have a choice! Goin' down!" We lost altitude, and I was about to pass out. "I can't hold out like this!"

"Alright, just hang on, and try not to smash us into the ground!"

"No promises!" By this point, my vision was failing, so I couldn't see a thing past my face. I ​did​ hear Jax's voice.

"Baros?" she said. "It's Jax! I need some help. I'm... flying or... falling with Mr. Early bird, and he's about to crash. Which means ​I'm​ about to crash! Can you send those retrieval drones please? Like ​ASAP!?" ​ I wasn't sure if it worked, but a few seconds later, I heard a buzzing sound.

"Jax– Ugh!" I felt two metallic claws around my upper arms, and I suddenly felt the rushing of air on my face. My vision began to return. All I saw was the darkness, and the occasional streak of red light. "Jax?" My voice echoed in the darkness.

"Yeah?" came a response.

"What's going on?"

"We're headed to your division."

"Where are you? Where are we?​​"

"The retrieval tunnels."


"See that white light?" I did see the white light.

"Oh, God, are we ​dead?​!"

"No, but we're about to meet the medical officer."

"Who's that?"

"Nurse Baros Labo." As soon as she said that name, we were thrust into a very white room.

"Whoa!" I said. "That was crazy!"

"Hello again, Mr. Radiatose," said a voice. I turned and I couldn't have been any more shocked.

"Oh, son of a–​Geez!​" I was cut short by the massive needle being jabbed into my arm. This was the same lady I met when I first woke up here.

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