Chapter Nineteen

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The Next Chapter

Human Helios,​ Auroras said as we flew through the wormhole. ​There's been a... change in plans.​ Immediately, I became nervous.

How so?​ I asked.

The literature you were reading. I began reading where you left off.


Your partner seems to be...outside of our realm.


He is currently beyond the threshold of existence.​ Based on what I knew about reality, I took that to mean outside the multiverse​.

Right, I get that, but how are we gonna get to him?​ I asked.

Not we. You.


You must be strong when you break the barrier.

Barrier? What barr–​ We passed into a black and green haze. ​Wait, why are we in the Nexus?! thought we couldn't use it from here!

We​ cannot. But​ you​ can.

What do you–

Solenovarc, human Helios.​ I was so wigged out, I didn't recognize the familiar word. I became wreathed the in orange, purple, and bluish-white energy. ​Keep your focus. She made a sharp turn, and we started barreling toward one of the glowing spheres.

On what!? ​I asked. I felt Auroras press something on my weapons pack.

Breaking through.

Breaking through—?

Fa'we, human Helios.

Wait, don't you— ​Too late. Auroras vanished into the green haze...I looked back and waited to see her materialize back on her course. She didn't, and I understood what she meant when she said she couldn't contact Pax. My heart crept into my throat. I hadn't known her for a few hours. I asked for her help... and she gave her life to do so. I was so overwhelmed with guilt and sadness that I forgot I was on a crash course with the sphere. Focus,​ Auroras had said. I wasn't sure what to focus on, so I concentrated on not getting smashed to pieces. I let my energy build up in my legs, causing them to emit white columns of light, which propelled me further though the dimensional haze. I'm not sure why I did it, but I began to spin like a drill. I'm not sure what it would've done, but I still made contact with the orb. At first it was like concrete, but as I continued to spin, the surface became softer, more gelatinous. Before I knew it, I had slipped through.

The deeper I went inside the sphere, the brighter its light became more intense, which is why I was surprised that I blacked out after I was blinded.

Coming to, I realized that I was laying on my stomach. When I tried to see what I was laying on, all I saw was a white void. I could tell I was on solid ground, and that there was a gravitational force present, but I didn't know how. I stood up and looked at my "surroundings." It wasn't a white and empty void, as I'd initially believed. It was a white void with dark spheres floating around. One floated in front of me, and when I grasped, I saw a third-person view of... what I just went through. My grief overcame me and I cried... being this far from home... outside of my home's realm... I almost couldn't cope. If I died here... I didn't want to think about it. The sound of a what resembled a metro in a tunnel jarred me back to the present. Letting the sphere float away and I began to walk forward, pulling one of my energy rifles, and advanced with caution.

After about five minutes of me walking, there was a green flash about a hundred meters away. I slowed my pace even more because I wasn't sure what to make of it. Fifty meters. I could see three people, each of them had neon blue hair. A fourth person stood behind them, and from what I could tell, he had neon blue eyes, and would've had lime colored hair, were he not bald. He was saying something to the blue-haired trio. He gestured for them to turn around. Ten meters. The trio turned around, and somehow managed to look fearful and fear-inspiring at the same time. I met the eyes of the person in the middle. He looked different, but I recognized him immediately. He grabbed the hand of the female next to him. Getting a better look at her, I recognized her face. The other male, next to the first one, I didn't recognize, but I had a feeling that if this was the trio for which I'd hoped, I'd be able to guess his identity. His face, contrary to what I expected, had gone pale.

Stopping two meters in front of them, no one spoke. The air, or matter that took the place of it, was tense with fear. Naturally, I spoke first. My gaze never left that of the center member of the trio, whom by manner of cliché, I assumed to be the group's leader. I tried to think of something witty but respectful. Then I remembered the book.

"Looks like we're partners," I said, giving my best business smile. "I know the phrase is 'if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.' This... could put a spin on things." As I spoke, I felt myself relax. I guess the middle guy relaxed as well, because he gave a smile that was both childish and calculating.

"Well, partner," he said. "Let's spin it!"

Even if I saw all of this coming, I never could've imagined it actually happening.

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