A day with Ashley

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Ashley POV
Today is the first time Beamie is to stay over my house because Forth is off to a business trip and will come back on Saturday. Beamie was crying for 2 hours none stop when Forth is telling him; he thinks Forth abandon him. Forth desperately want to bring him, but he will be out of the field and busy, which mean he can't look after him plus it can be dangerous when out on the ground. When it was last to conform and told Beamie yesterday night causing Beamie cry. He tries to explain and calm him, but nothing seems to work so Forth, message us to come to his house, explain to us what happens.
Last night
I was reading my document in my office at home, and then I saw Forth message in the group chat, so I hurriedly change clothes then go to my brother room,
" Alex, it is an emergency. Beamie won't stop crying." I said while he is rubbing his eyes, trying to figure out what happens. Alex will sleep at 8 p.m and weekend will be late, so I wait until he changes and then tells the driver to Forth house.
" Why going out so late?" Grandfather asks while scrolling his iPad.
" Forth need some help that all, don't worry about it and we will back soon," Alex said, we go in the car and a few moments later, we at his house. When I go in, all I can hear is Beamie crying and choking, I run to him and ask,
" what wrong Beamie? Want to tell auntie?"
" Daddy doesn't want Beamie; I don't want daddy to go. I miss daddy. I don't want it!" He said and started crying again. I pick him up and smoothing his back, said,
" Beamie, your daddy will always love you, and he won't leave you because you're his angel. It just this time daddy won't be with you a while but are you a good and brave boy?"
" Beamie is a good and brave boy, but I want to go as well. I don't want daddy to go." Beamie said and tearing. Alex take him in his arm, said,
" Beam, uncle don't want to see you cry na. You want to become an excellent example to Kit and Wayo, right? You can tell them how brave you are and be proud of."
"Can Beam be a good phi, uncle Alex?" he asks with choking.
" Of course, you can Beamie! So don't upset na"  I said, he is kind of calm down but then when Pha and Ming come in, Pha said,
" Forth, have you plan everything for the trip?"   Beamie starts to cry again, me, Alex and Forth gave him a death gazes. Pha gulp, Ming cover his face and shake his head,
" If he keeps crying like this, I might need to cancel my trip," Forth said. It would be a shame because of the client his meeting with can help his business in other countries such as Europe. Ming carry Beamie, swing him gently and ask,
" Beam Beam, uncle Ming have some candy. Do you want to come and eat them?"
"Candy? Uncle Ming, Beamie don't want Candy. " Beamie said, Ming glare at Pha, giving him a sign. Pha carry Beamie and said,
" Little Beam, you don't want your daddy to be a worry, right? I know you will be able to do this, like a soldier."
" Beamie doesn't want to be a soldier; I just want daddy! Wahhhh" he said, Pha give up and put him on the couch.
" What are we going to do? He won't stop crying?" Ming whisper,
" I hate to see him cry like this; I am not going!" Forth said,
" Are you mad?! This trip is not only about you, but it is also your company and worker. How many days do you think they have been preparing? and now you say you are not going; you are wasting all their hard work!" I said, and they back to silence, why Beamie is like this? He is alright on his while Forth off to work but sometimes needs to with him so it might not be quality time.
What else makes him upset? Then I feel it might be that, but I was not sure, so I need to check with Beamie.
" I might know it," I said to them, we all go to the sofa. I put Beamie on my lap and ask,
" Beamie, I want you to tell me the truth as a good boy, okay?" he nodded.
" You are sobbing because you don't want a woman to next to your daddy, right ?" I ask, he did not say anything but give me a short nodding. I don't know whether I cry or laugh, Beamie is just funny. The rest of the men are silent, seriously?!
" Oh, Beamie, you are so adorable. Forth, you need to tell him." I said and pass Beamie to Forth, he carries Beamie and wipes his tear, said,
" My cutest and dearest angel, I love you the most and ever. Daddy promises you that I will never do something that you don't like or without asking for your permission. Trust your daddy na."
" Pinky promise?" Beamie asks, he nodded and pinky promise. After, Beamie yawn and rubbing his eyes, it might be all the crying and shouting. Forth carry him back to his room and reading him bedtime story during the rest of us having some hot chocolate.
" Are you guys not in a hurry? Does Kit or Wayo don't need to look for you guys?" I ask,
" Yo is looking after by my lads, he is getting along with people quickly, so I don't need to worry much," Pha said proudly.
" Kit Kat is in bed; I wait until he goes to sleep. Otherwise, he will be begging me to bring him too to see Beam Beam." Ming said,
" Can't believe you guys are already parent, I wish I could have my kid one day. What about you, Alex?" I ask, he stops drinking and said,
" I will want a kid too, with the person I love, but I don't want to marry now because a lot of things is uncertain." He said but why he sounded so cold or am I overthinking? When Forth come and sat down, he said,
" I am worried about my angel because I don't know if Lam can handle him or not. Is it okay for you guys to take care of him while I am gone? It's okay if this is too much." Ming pat on his shoulder said,
" We are your close one, and it is never a bother. I would be happy to take Beam Beam over so my Kit Kat will not be bored."
" Yo will be exciting to see Little Beam. I am okay with it." Pha said,
" You know how much I want to take care of Beamie. I will love it." I said,
" Forth, we are your shield so don't worry," Alex said,
" Thank you guys; I don't know what to do without you guys." Forth said,
" How are we deciding on which day to look after Beam?" Alex asks, Forth ask Lam to go up stair and get Beamie days learning card then we randomly pick it, so the days are:
Monday- Me
Wednesday- Alex
Thursday -Pha
" It's not fair, Ashley and Alex stay in the same house, which means he is staying at their house two nights!" Ming whining,
" You got Kit already, still not enough?" I ask,
" If I let you get another night, then it would not be fair for Pha," Alex said,
" Pha, Why not after dinner, I drive to your house and hand to you, so then it will be fair, and you are the Thursday as well." He said,
" It alright for me. Is it fair now, Ming?" Pha said I pout, Alex pats my head.
" Geez, I am getting goosebumps from you guys," Ming said and shivering. We laugh, and after then we all go back to our house.
" Has everything sort out?" Grandfather asks,
" Yes, Beamie is fine, and he is staying with us tomorrow and dinner on Wednesday because Forth is on a business trip," I said,
" I have not seen Beam for a while now. Does that little guy still scare of me?" Grandfather asks,
" Don't worry too much grandfather, Beamie is just a kid, and when he grows up, he will understand," Alex said, I nodded.
" With Forth and you guys help, I know he will go in the right direction. It is late now; I am going to bed." He said and go,
" Goodnight grandfather." Both of us said,
" Uncle Hill, can you get the kitchen staff to come here? I need to ask then what are they planning to cook for tomorrow. " I tell our butler,
" Okay, Miss Ashley." Uncle Hill said,
" Phi, why are you not go back up yet?" I ask him,
" I want to know the meal for tomorrow as well. " Alex said, and I put my head on his shoulder, his arm around me, which he always does. It is a way of protection and safety.
" Miss Ashley, they are here." Uncle Hill said,
" Okay, I want to know what are we are having for tomorrow," I ask,
" We are having four dishes and soup; the meals are beef stew, seafood soup, lettuce seabass and tomatoes eggs."
" I want to make sure the seafood soup can not put shrimp, Beamie is coming for dinner, so I want this to be no mistakes and perfect," I said,
" Also, the food size can not be too big because Beam will find it hard to eat and might end up choking, so before handing out, you guys need to make sure it is the right size for him Get it?" Alex said,
"We understand, Miss Ashley and Mr Alex." They said, and then Uncle Hill told them to go.
" Right I am going to sleep, night. Alex." I said and headed back up to my room, can't wait till tomorrow.

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