Just Listen

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2 weeks after the party

Talia POV
It has been a while since the party and Harry still isn't talking to me but Simon is .I don't know why Harry is so mad Simon forgave me but he won't.

I walk up to Harry's room and knock on the door I then here a "come in" by Harry
When I go in I see Harry and Simon at his desk
Talia: oh I didn't know you were busy sorry
Simon :it's ok I was about to go anyway
And Simon gets up and walks pass my but he winks at my because he knows I am about to talk to Harry
Harry :what do you want
Talia :don't be like that I just want to talk
Harry: talk about what
Talia: the party
Harry : the party were you almost got Simon knocked out sure let's talk about it. 
Talia :I said I am sorry Simon forgave me why can't you
Harry:Simon only said that because he feels bad for you.             
talia: I deal with this anymore.                                                                                                                                         I just walked out of his room.

I stood out side Simon's room for a few minutes but I decided not to go in instead I ran to my room and lock the door.

Simon POV

I went out of Harry's room and down to the kitchen and had some lunch. And after a while I went up stairs to get ready to film a video with the guys when I see that Talia's door was closed and I go and knock
Talia: Harry I don't want to talk anymore
Simon: it's Simon not Harry
I heard the door unlocked and then open a bit so I push it more open and see that she was crying
Talia : what up
Simon: nothing I was just checking up on you , what happened
Talia: he just is being a dick head for no reason
Simon:he is just being a brother
Talia: I know
Simon: I'm going to go, I have to film a video, are you going to be ok
Talia: ye I'll be fine
She stopped crying but she had a tear on her cheek so I wiped it off and she gave me a chuckle and I laugh back and left

Talia POV

I was happy that  Simon came and made me feel better he always put me in good mood but I couldn't help but think what Harry said was true and i believed him because Simon is always there for me when I need him.

I went down to the kitchen to get some food and I see vik and josh as I walk in
Talia: hey what's up
Vik: hey , how are you
Talia: good you
Vik: I have a huge hangover from last night
The boys went out to a bar last night
Talia: How much did u drink last night
Josh: a lot
I make my self a sandwich and head back upstairs .

When I reached the door I felt a hand on mine and I got pulled into a room . It was Simon
Simon: sorry but I have to show you this thing. 
Talia :what is it
Simon :this
Simon pointed at his computer and it had a pic of the London eye shaped as a ring
Talia: that is so cool who did that
Simon: Callux just sent me a pic of it
Talia: Omg what was it for
Simon: the best marriage proposal ever 
Talia: that's amazing , when is the video out.              
Simon : He said be out tomorrow, I'll let u get back to ur sandwich
Talia :thanks I'll see u later
Simon :bye
Talia :bye

Harry POV

I was angry with my sister she should have learned for what happen at the first party, I don't want her to go near deji because I have seen the girls deji go within I don't want that for her. The only person I would be ok with her dating is Simon because I know he wouldn't hurt her.

I heard her come out of Simon's room so I went to her
Harry :can we talk
Talia :about what
Harry : you 
Talia :fine

She opens her door and both go inside
Harry : so just listen I know I shouldn't tell you who to date and stuff but not deji ,you have to stay away from him
Talia: Harry I don't like deji at all, on my birthday I went to the bathroom and when I came out he was there and started to talk to me.
Harry :oh 
Talia :but I still felt bad for what happened to Simon 
Harry: I know
I walk over to her and give her a hug .
Harry :love you
Talia :love you too

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