Keep it a secret

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Next day

Talia POV

Simon just went home and I was so happy. I have a boyfriend and it's Simon witch makes it even better. But I don't understand why we can't tell our friends , is he embarrassed or something.

I grabbed breakfast and got a texted from freya and gee
Gee: hey do you want to hang out today.
Freya: ye sure I'm free
Talia: ye same , do you guys want to come to my place
Gee: ye that sounds great
Freya: seeya in an hour
Talia: seeya
Gee: bye

I got up and got changed into jeans and a top. (Media)
An hour later the girls showed up and we watched a movie. When the movie was over we started talking.
Gee: so how are you and josh.
Freya: we are great , I love living with him. How is your josh.
Gee: we are good to. How about you tal any boys we need to now about.
Talia: nope still single.
I added a little chuckle to make it less awkward.
Gee: well I have lots of guy friends that would love to date you.
Talia: no I'm good thanks
I said getting up off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

Gee: oh come on it will be fun
She said shouting in
Freya: why is there a crush or anyone
Talia: No I just don't want to date and I am young I have loads of time to fine boyfriends and stuff.
Gee: ye but it's nice to have someone  who cares for you.
Talia: I already have someone who cares about me
Freya: Harry doesn't count
I just rolled my eyes
Talia: can we talk about this later, how about we go shopping.
Gee and freya: fine

We went out shopping and went for lunch and then shopped some more.
Freya: hey josh just texted and saying that the guys are ordering dinner and watching a movie and we are welcome to join.
Gee: ye sure
Talia: ok

Simon POV

We were about to watch a movie and have dinner and I was going to invite talia when josh said he already invited the girls over.

When the girls come in freya walked in first then gee and finally Talia walked in and I was just so happy to see her. She gave Harry a hug and kiss on the cheek and then came and sat beside me.

While the movie was on talia rested her on my shoulder which was ok because she did that before we were dating. All I wanted to do was cuddle into her but I couldn't in front off our friends. I could see Harry looking over at us and smiling, I don't know what he was smiling.

When the movie was over talia jumped up off my shoulder.
Talia: do you want to go and film a super seducer
Simon: ye sure
We started to leave the room before
Harry : hey I'm going to bed now so goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow and if you want you can take the spare room.
He said hugging her
Talia: thanks.

We headed up to my room and as soon as we got in she locked the door and I went to my desk to turn on my pc . She came over and kissed me on the cheek.
Talia: I missed you
Simon:I've missed you too

After we filmed the video we went to bed and watch some tv and Talia cuddled up next to me. We watched friends obviously because it is talia's favourite tv show. We soon drifted of to sleep together.

Talia POV

I woke up beside Simon still sleeping . He looked so cute and hot at the same time. I got out of bed trying not to wake up Simon and went to the spare room because it was 9:30 and Harry will be awake soon and I don't want him to see me in the same bed as Simon.I don't know how harry is going to react to me and Simon dating. Simon is his best friend and I don't want to reck that.

I went into the room and had a shower and got dressed into some cloths I had here. I went down stairs and walked into the kitchen to JJ, Vikk, Josh and Harry. Harry: Hey do you want some breakfast.
Talia: Yes please
Harry: do you need a lift home
Talia: No its ok Katie is picking me up and we are going to the cinema.
Harry: cool what movie you going to see
Talia: some chick flick
Harry: you love chick flicks
Talia: no I don't
Harry: the Notebook
Talia: So I like one doesn't mean I like them all

I went back upstairs and got all my stuff and before I went backdown to Katie I went into Simons room to say goodbye. He was still sleeping so I decided to wake him slowly. I crawled onto the bed and kissed on the cheek a few times before he woke up.

Simon: good morning
Talia: good morning
Simon: how come your dressed already
Talia: I'm going to the cinema with Katie, I just wanted to say good bye before I left
Simon:oh ok
Talia: do you want to come over later
Simon: sure
Talia: good cause then I can do this all I want

I kissed him passionately before he grabbed my waist and put me on his lap . We were kissing for a good two minutes before I remembered that Katie was downstairs. I pulled away 

Talia: I have to go
Simon: ok I'll see you later
Talia: bye
Simon: bye
And with that I left because I knew if I got one more kiss I wouldn't be able to leave .

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