Chapter One

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[Ohayou minna~! I know, I have like, fifty books I need to wrap up and it's taking too long because I have so many ideas, but oh well. Anyway, KYAAH~! KakaNaru isn't very popular, but I happen to love it, and I don't see too much. Sorry of it sucks, I wanted to do this. So, hope you like it! JayJay out~!]


The shrill alarm buzzed me in to consciousness, making me aware of the early Monday morning. I groaned and sat up, running my hands through my sleep-mussed tresses. It didn't matter how I slept, or how much gel I put in them, my spikes remained. I sighed and rubbed the leftover eyeliner and sleep from my eyes. I stood and stretched, cracking my neck and back before padding in to the small kitchen and switching on my coffee pot. After a few bangs, murky brown water trickled in to the pot and I sighed. I really needed a new coffee pot, but I couldn't afford it. Oh, well, I thought, retreating to my room. Black cargo shorts with chains connecting the right front and back pockets. I slid on a slightly tight orange tee shirt with a large black cross in the middle. I put on my black high tops and a black hoodie, grabbing my backpack and heading back in to the kitchen.

"Silence is depressing." I murmured out loud. I reached across the counter for my iPod, the only decent thing I've been able to buy since I was emancipated from foster care. I poured myself a cup of coffee, drinking it black and glancing back at the lone picture sitting atop my old fridge. I smiled softly at my mother and father before pushing the buds in to my ears and switching my iPod to "Numb" by Linkin Park. Methodically shutting off all of my lights, I exited my small apartment, taking the elevator down to the main lobby and beginning my silent wall to school.

Like I said before, silence is depressing. That's why I make sure I never have silence. I sing aloud, I listen to music, I cook, I clean.

Or I slice. Yeah, like that. I'm a cutter. But you wouldn't be able to tell.

"H-h-hey, Naruto!" I heard behind me. I saw a masked figure come up behind me.

"Tobi, what do you want?" I asked the twitching figure, stopping dead in my tracks. He was an old friend of mine, we used to shoot up together. I don't do drugs anymore, though, and these guys don't seem to get it.

"I-I need a fix. Do you have any on you?" He asked nervously. Tch, little tweaker.

"No, Tobi, I'm clean. Now go get your little skinny tweaker ass out of my sight before I kick it." I growled. He nodded vigorously and sprinted away, most likely looking for a supplier. I can't believe I used to be like that. The only reason I was on drugs was because of my abusive foster father who forced me onto them. I pushed my earbud back in to place and began to scream the lyrics to the next song in my head, so as to block out the next thoughts. I sang until I arrived at my school, Kohona High. As usual, my best friends, Kiba, Sasuke, and Sakura were waiting at the front steps for me.

"Hey, Blondie!" Kiba yelled, earning attention from Sir Duckbutt and Pinky. Their heads snapped up and pointed towards me.

"Baka, what took you so long?" Sakura said, rushing me like a bright pink linebacker. Before I could blink, I was on the ground under a small girl.

"Jeez, Pinky. Tobi apparently forgot that I'm clean now, he asked me for a hit. I don't have anything, these morons are too strung out to notice." I said, shaking my head as I pushed her off. Sasuke rolled his eyes and offered me help up. I took it and sighed, hearing the second bell.

"Oi, dobe, I heard we have a new teacher in Bio. Rumor has it, he's hot." Sasuke winked at me and I shook my head, chuckling. We all started to head to class, Sasuke and I had first period Bio together, so we were gonna scope out 'hot' new teacher.

"He better be hot, teme, or I'm skipping class." I chuckled, opening the door. We moved back to the last row of lab tables and plunked our stuff down, talking about our weekends until the bell rang. Even then, new teacher didn't show up.

"Oi, what the hell? Where is the teacher?" A kid in front of us, Chōji, asked. I shrugged and continued to talk to Sasuke. After about twenty minutes, the door opened.

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late." A deep tenor echoed in to the classroom. My head snapped up and there stood the teacher. Long, scattered silvery hair and a face covered in a brightly colored scarf. He had on a tight brown sweater and skinny jeans. "My name is Hatake Kakashi, but call me Kakashi. I blinked at the creature in front of me. Even with the scarf, he was, hands down, the sexiest man I had ever seen.

"Um, woof." I said out of the corner of my mouth. Sasuke smirked.

"Toooooooooooolllld yooooou." He singsonged, staring at the board as Kakashi began to write.

Oh, Kami, this was gonna be a long year.

It's Not The Drugs (KakaNaru) (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now