Curiosity Killed The Hap

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Happy pressed the key fob and growled when a mustang similar to Addison's beeped at him, Jax knew he hated being in a cage but supposed it was better if he was going to dig into the animosity that was clear between Gem and Charles.

Without a word he stomped over to the car looking behind him once to make sure that Charles was following smirking when he saw she was.

He settled in the drivers seat and waited for her to get in the passenger seat, starting the engine as soon as she had clipped her belt on.

Happy remained his silent self on the drive knowing that if she was anything like Gemma, Charles wouldn't let it stay that way for long. He smirked in triumph when less than five minutes into the drive she turned to him and began with a question he was expecting.

"What the fuck did you do to get put on babysitting little ol' me."

Happy chose not to answer knowing that this would piss the woman off again smirking when she grumbled at his non answer. He sat listening to what she was grumbling about. "Why the fuck am I even here, Gem clearly doesn't want me here, Jackson is too busy doing whatever the fuck it is he's doing and he left me with Oscar the fucking grouch."

Happy had to try really hard not to laugh, the woman was a job right now but he had to admit she was intriguing to him, she was different, refreshing even but he was glad she had decided to shut her damn mouth.

It wasn't long before he found out why, she had found a sketch book in her bag and was busy drawing something, he couldn't see exactly what it was but what he could see she was good, really good.

He was curious to see what else she had drawn and if there was anything he could use for the tattoos he was still finishing for the club.

He pulled into Jax's driveway and helped her carry her bags into the house, all without a single word.

He placed them into the guest room and decided it was about time he actually spoke to her and settled on asking about the ink she had, raising an eyebrow when she admitted most of it she had designed herself with some she had actually done herself, mostly on her legs. She explained that her artist and business partner had recently passed and after Clay's funeral she was going to see if she could find someone nearby to do her newest piece and maybe set up a shop of her own. She finished her explanation by admitting that it would depend on Gemma.

Before he could ask what she meant by that there was a knock at the door, Hap ever cautious pulled his gun and levelled it in front of him and pushed Charles behind him as she checked the peep hole. He sighed and lowered the gun opening the door to let Addison in, knowing he would have to wait another day to grill her on this shit with Gem.

"Aunt Charles, you're really here!" Addison screamed as she came in the door. Hap was confused as he was sure that Gem didn't have a sister but here was her daughter calling this new arrival Aunt. Charles must have seen the look on his face and decided to answer the unasked question. "Gemma is my cousin on her dads side." Hap nodded understanding that there was some damn strong genetics in the Madock family seeing as Charles really could pass as Gemma's sister if she wanted.

Happy remained in the kitchen with eyes on all exits to the house as Addison and Charles moved into the living room, continuously talking about anything and everything, including the new ink Addison had and how she had finally secured the man she always wanted. Happy rolled his eyes at the cheesy girl talk but also listened to see if Addison was going to tell Charles who had done her ink.

Sure enough she did ask and sure enough Addison admitted that Happy himself had done it for her allowing a smug grin to grace his face as Charles looked over at him in shock. He shrugged his shoulders at the questioning look in her eye, not wanting give her any ideas.

Jax arrived a little later on bringing Opie and Chinese takeout, saying something about knowing this was a favourite of Charles. Happy had tuned out by this point fearing his ears were bleeding at the absolute bullshit the 2 women had been talking about.

He got up to leave and was a little surprised when Charles stood and moved herself in front of him and pulled him into a hug. "Thanks for today Ozzy, maybe you can show me your work sometime?" she asked with a wink.

He was a little dumbfounded when he left the house listening to the laughter floating from the living area. Happy knew what he needed to take his mind off everything, another tattoo. He sped back to the clubhouse and stomped his way to his room where he set up and let his mind take over as the buzz of the tattoo gun sounded.

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