The Morning After

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Charles woke with a desperate need to pee, as she came to full consciousness she became aware of a heavy tattooed arm pinning her to a bed she realised was not that familiar.

The memory of the rage she felt and the following fight in the ring with Tig came to mind, as did the events that happened after leading her to conclude that she was still in Happy's room and he was the owner of the arm restricting her movement.

Without wanting to wake him she carefully extracted herself from his hold, grabbed her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.

She did her business and got redressed before leaving the room quietly. She let out a breath that she had managed to get away from a man who was known for his ruthless observations and loyalty to those he held worthy. Following what happened between them she assumed she was now held in that regard.

The only problem she had was that she wasn't sure she wanted that.

Deciding she needed time to work through everything that had happened Charles left the clubhouse, making sure she wasn't seen and moved to her car to grab her bag, checking that she had plenty of cash, she closed her car, locking it and walked out of the lot.

Charles walked until she was far enough away from the clubhouse and hailed a cab, asking for a hotel, preferably not in Charming.

The cab driver dropped her off at a low end motel which she initially turned her lips up in distaste but knew she was less likely to be spotted here.

Charles walked to the front desk and booked a room, paying in cash and quickly decided to use an alias. "One week, paid in cash for Maggie Greene" the man at the front desk stated.

She smiled knowing that she was now off the grid, her phone was switched off before she left the clubhouse meaning Juice wouldn't be able to trace her. She took herself to the room and laid on the bed to get some more rest.

Happy woke from the most restful sleep he had had in a long time and he immediately put it down to the woman he had in his arms when he finally drifted off.

He rolled over ready to greet her a good morning and realised she was no longer there.

He got up, immediately wide awake and burst through to the clubhouse after pulling on his jeans hoping that she was simply getting some coffee.

When he saw she wasn't there he raced back to his dorm, not listening when Jax and Tig were calling his name. Once back in his dorm he spotted something he was hoping he wouldn't.

Charles's phone, switched off of course.

Knowing that this meant that Juice wouldn't be able to trace her Happy began to trash his room, rage taking over.

Jax heard the disturbance coming from Happy's room and pulled Tig along, concerned for Charles seeing as he hadn't seen her since Happy had taken her back to his dorm the day before.

Tig and Jax attempted to calm the raging man, both of whom took hits to the face before managing to pin him down, Jax screaming at him for answers.

"Where the fuck is she?" Jax demanded of the struggling man beneath him.

"I don't know" Happy gritted out

"What the hell do you mean you don't know?" Jax shouted, angry with the man he trusted to keep Charles safe.

"Just what I said, I don't fucking know. She was gone when I woke. Do you think I would be this angry if I knew what the fuck happened?" Happy grunted.

"If I let you up are you going to calm the fuck down?" Jax asked.

Happy nodded so Jax looked at Tig and they both got off of the heavily tattooed, angry man, both moving away, wary of his hands seeing as he had already got a couple of hits in.

Happy stalked past the two men and walked straight to the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and took a swig straight from the bottle. Jax eyed him warily, knowing that an angry Happy is bad enough, but a drunk angry Happy, potentially disastrous.

Jax felt the need to discuss what they knew so grabbed 3 glasses and gestured for Happy and Tig to join him sat at the table. Once they were all seated he grabbed the bottle from Hap, who growled at him, Jax smirked and poured healthy measures into the glasses and handed them out.

"I can get Juice to run a trace?" Tig suggested.

"Phone is here, off" Hap said

"Plus Charles ain't stupid, she knows how to disappear if she wanted to, her car is here, she knows to take a burner, pay cash and use a fake name." Jax said feeling more and more concerned with every fact they knew about Charles.

"Anyone know what name she would use?" Tig asked.

Happy and Jax both shook their heads, "Addison and I know her well, but not well enough to know something like that." Jax said.

"Gives us a place to start though right?" Tig asked grasping at straws and trying not to end up on the wrong side of a trip to the ring with Happy.

Knowing that they had absolutely nothing to go on Happy slammed back the remainder of his drink and stomped off to his bike, starting it up and peeling out the lot in a cloud of dust.

Jax knew he needed time to cool off so immediately stopped Tig from going after Happy and instead asked him to call everyone in.

It was time to fill everyone in on the fact that Charles was MIA and no one knew why.

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