Letting Go

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Jax and Charles were at a loss of what to do, Jax had no club stuff seeing as they were classed as in mourning from the loss of one of their own and Charles had no specific plans. He knew she was avoiding going to the clubhouse so that she didn't have to see Gemma, Jax was more than aware that Charles still wanted to smash her fist into his mother's face and despite him wanting to see that he didn't want to deal with the fallout that it would cause.

Jax asked if she wanted to spend the day with him and Owen, he had promised Dean that he would take care of the little man while she had a girls day with Max. He assumed that Addison was going with them and that girls day was more about Addison's upcoming wedding to Opie. With that he called Opie who confirmed Ellie was going too so he and Kenny were having a boys day.

Jax told his oldest friend that he was taking Owen to the park and that Charles was going to come with him and asked if he and Kenny wanted to tag along. Opie agreed saying it would be good for Kenny to spend some time with the younger boy seeing as they were family.

Once Owen was ready to go Jax and Charles took the short walk to the park where they met with Opie and Kenny. Owen immediately ran over to the swing set shouting for Charles to come and push him. Kenny laughed joining his younger friend and yelled for his dad to push him.

Charles walked over to the swings laughing and placed herself behind the swing that Owen was sat on and Opie stood next to her. "1,2,3 PUSH!" Charles yelled laughing at the gleeful sound that emanated from both boys.

Jax was watching at how well Charles interacted with his old lady's son and decided there and then he needed her to stick around. He wanted another someone around who can stand up to his mother like she can, would mean Addison would finally get a break.

Opie spotted the appreciative look on Jax's face and gestured for Charles to go and join him saying he could handle the 2 rugrats.

Charles made her way over to the bench were Jax was seated and she pulled a pack of smokes out of her pocket, drawing one with her teeth and lighting it before offering the pack to Jax. Jax nodded and accepted a smoke and sighed as the smoke hit his lungs.

Charles sat next to him and placed her head on his shoulder and smiling at the feeling of content she was feeling. She knew it wasn't going to last and that Jax was sooner or later going to ruin it.

She thought she would have longer to enjoy the freedom being at the park was affording her but Jax had other ideas.

"How are you finding Charming Charles?" Jax asked.

Charles sighed, thinking about how to respond. "I have to admit I see why your dad and Clay chose this place, it's peaceful and rather beautiful." Jax didn't miss the slight crack of her voice when she mentioned Clay.

"Look I heard what Ma said, I think everyone in the clubhouse heard her.. does anyone know your side?" Jax continued tentatively.

Charles sighed again considering how much to tell him, knowing how similar Jax was to his father she knew that nothing short of full disclosure would do. "There is 5 years between me and your Ma, it was me who introduced her to JT." she said with a smile.

"I was 18 when began dating Clay and I confided in your Ma about everything. I was her bridesmaid when she married your dad, I was there when you were born, and Addison, Thomas, I was there for your Ma when she lost Thomas and JT became distant. I'm the one who introduced Clay to your dad, I thought everything was good. At the time your dad became distant with your Ma Clay became distant with me and seeing as I told her everything I spoke to her about that. Not once did it cross my mind that she was laughing behind my back, I told her everything and she repaid my trust by taking everything from me. I loved Clay and I have never come close to getting over him and finding anyone else. I hadn't spoken to your Ma since the truth about her and Clay came out but I was never going to let it impact on you or Addison, you guys mean more to me than you can ever know." she finished with a tear escaping her eye which she hastily wiped away.

"OK, now your reaction makes sense" Jax said mostly to himself. Charles felt herself smile at the reminder of JT when he did that.

Jax pulled her head off of his shoulder and turned her to face him, hints of anger evident in the blue eyes he shared with his father. "I cannot believe she did that, well I can but still you are fucking family Charles, that means more than getting fucking laid, at least it does to me."

Charles full on laughed knowing full well that Jax's history with women isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows but she appreciated the sentiment. Jax found her laughter infectious and before long the pair of them had tears rolling down their faces.

Once they sobered up Jax asked the one question Charles was hoping he wouldn't. "So how did it feel getting rid of your rage by slapping Happy?"

Charles felt herself flush with embarrassment as she remembered the slap, and how satisfying the sound of her hand hitting flesh was, even if she didn't get her intended target. Jax mistook the flush of her cheeks for something else and chuckled all over again, deciding this was something for Addison and the old ladies. Charles deserved a chance at happiness and if that meant she found it with Happy then who was he to stop them, at least that would make her stay.

Opie came over with the boys and suggested a stop for ice cream before going to the clubhouse, apparently they had missed a call from the ladies letting them know they were back and Addison was demanding Charles come to do her new tattoo.

Charles let out a deep sigh and agreed to go to the clubhouse as long as the boys promised to keep Gemma away from her for the moment. With agreement gained she smiled and they headed off to get their sweet treat.

Happy was feeling more settled following the chat with his Ma. He stayed long enough to eat Maria's famous enchiladas before placing a kiss to her temple with a promise to visit again soon before heading out to his bike to return to Charming.

On the drive back he found his thoughts moving to Charles, how she would look caged under him with her hair wrapped round his hands, how he wanted to see all of her tattooed skin, how she would sound calling out his name.

He brushed those thoughts away before he became too distracted and ended up laying his bike down and focused on the drive.

It was dark by the time Happy pulled back into TM and was desperate for a cold beer. As he headed towards the door to the clubhouse he was sure he could hear a very familiar sound - the sound of a tattoo gun.

He walked in and the sight that greeted him took his breath away.

Charles was sat on a rolling stool in a pair of shorts that showed her heavily tattooed but toned legs and a tank top that rode low across her ample bust giving him a clear view of her fully tattooed arms. He couldn't help but notice her chest was almost clear of ink and he had visions of his crow placed there.

He was pulled out of his stupor by a cry of pain and it was only then he realised Addison was the one being tattooed, he walked over to take a peek at the piece Charles was working on and he had to admit he was impressed.

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