The Motel

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Charles had been hidden at the motel for 5 days when she began to get a handle on her feelings. She knew she more than liked Happy, in fact she was pretty certain it was love. She also knew that leaving him the way she did was probably going to be the worst thing she had ever done.

She was desperately trying to think of ways she could make it up to him, assuming he felt the same.

Charles knew that he had been drawing designs for the club for memorial pieces for Clay but she was willing to bet he hadn't considered his own. She knew he liked her style with the appreciation he had shown with Addison's so she made her decision.

She would design one for him.

She was about half way done when she went to pour herself a drink and realised she had run out of ice. Picking up the bucket she headed down to the ice machine for a refill. She was minding her own business thinking about how she was going to finish the design when she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. Leather.

Suddenly panicking that she had been found before she was ready she hid round the corner and spied on the meeting.

Charles knew she had managed to put herself in danger when she realised the leather didn't belong to the Sons of Anarchy but rather an opposition group that she knew had caused a few problems over the years from speaking with Addison. She thought they were on good terms now but she wasn't about to show herself in case she was mistaken.

She watched as they agreed their deal and there was changing of cash, lots of cash and a couple of bricks which she assumed to be heroin.

Charles stood frozen knowing that she either had to stay put or risk being seen heading back to her room. This was one of the times she wished that Jax knew where she was.

She carefully moved further round the corner when she heard them moving out, she didn't recognise who the deal was done with and that scared her. She hated not knowing.

It seemed that she hadn't been as hidden as she had hoped when a Hispanic man with a moustache and the air of superiority met her wide eyes and winked at her. She relaxed a bit knowing that he knew she was there and wasn't bothered in the least.

She waited until the group of men had gone, the loud sound of bikes alerting her to it, and she made to move back to her room. She had forgotten that there was more than one group meeting and was knocked unconscious with a swift blow to the back of her head.

When Charles woke she was back in her room at the motel and her head was pounding. She tried to sit up and was overcome with a dizziness to severe she wretched, feeling bile make its acidic way to her mouth making her feel like she was burning from the inside out.

She was then alerted to someone being in her room with her by laughter that made her skin crawl. "Hola senorita." a voice she didn't have a hope of recognising spoke to her.

She simply grunted in response and internally smirked when she realised she sounded so much like the man she had been thinking about.

"What am I going to do with you?" the same voice asked.

"I don't know, why don't you run to whoever it is you usually ask for permission?" She ground out realising quickly that whoever this was wasn't capable of making decisions on their own, they were not like any of her beloved SAMCRO, nor like the other man she had seen before she had been rudely knocked out.

The man growled at her and stomped towards her, hand held above her head ready to strike her but it seemed as he thought against it and spoke again "You are too fragile puta, you were out 2 days after the last hit and I don't want to kill a pretty thing like you." running his hand down her face in what she assumed he thought was a romantic gesture. In truth it made her cringe.

She found it strange that there was a knock on her door and even stranger that the man holding her in her own room gave her a look as he moved over to answer it. "Hector what do you want?" another unfamiliar voice sounded but Charles still smirked knowing that the newcomer had just given her the name of her captor.

The man she now knew was called Hector stepped aside and Charles gasped instantly recognising the man with the moustache from the other day. "Estúpido gilipollas!" the new man shouted at Hector causing him to cringe away in what looked like fear. "Do you have any idea what you have done?" he asked him.

Charles watched as Hector rapidly shook his head at the man who commanded such presence. "She look familiar to you?" he asked.

Again Hector shook his head and the man gestured to his comrades to take Hector away. He moved over to Charles and with a gentleness she wasn't expecting he checked her over for injury. "Your name novia?" he asked with a much softer tone than he had used with Hector.

"You first." Charles shot back still unsure of what was going on.

The man chuckled, liking the fire in her, recognising it as something so familiar. "I am Marcus Alvarez, el presidente of the Mayans MC." he told her proudly.

Smiling when she realised her observation to be correct and that they were indeed in good with SAMCRO she knew she could trust him with the truth. "Charles Madock." she told him.

He nodded and asked the exact question she was expecting. "Close to Jax Teller I would imagine seeing as you look so similar to his mother si?"

Charles smiled and nodded to which Marcus held out a hand for her which she gladly took. "Let's return you to him them, I would imagine he must be concerned for you seeing as I have seen you here every day for a week." he said shocking Charles as she was certain she hadn't seen him before the dreaded meeting with Hector that resulted in her current situation.

Marcus chuckled and informed her that she was technically in his territory and when he noticed her he made sure to keep an eye, wanting to keep the peace he had with SAMCRO. He admitted to her that he had an issue of his own that he wanted Jax's help with which wouldn't have gone well if she had been hurt, any more than she currently had at least.

Charles quickly gathered her things together and left the room with Marcus in tow, more than ready to face Happy.

Estúpido gilipollas!" - stupid asshole

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