What The Hell Is This?

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Happy stood frozen after Charles had slapped him, every instinct he had was telling him to hit her back but at the same time she was a woman and Sons don't do that.

The silence in the room was deafening to him and he found himself wondering whether it was similar for her. He was hyper aware of everyone around the pair of them, but also acutely aware of Charles.

Considering that she had just landed one hell of a shot at him he had never felt more drawn to someone. If was going to stand a chance of keeping her here he knew that he had his work cut out for him to sort this shit. It really didn't look like Charles was going to forgive Gem any time soon, especially after what had happened here.

Without another thought of what was happening here Happy pushed past everyone and stalked to his room where he pulled out his sketchbook and continued to work on the sketches for the memorial tattoos he had planned.

Charles was shocked at what she had done and remained still hoping to God that Drax the Destroyer from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie was right when he said if he stood really still he would become invisible and that this would somehow work for her. Logically she knew it was impossible but she could hope.

She finally came to her senses when Happy stomped off to the apartments in the back of the clubhouse and she turned and fled.

Charles made it to the picnic tables before she was stopped by a hand grabbing her upper arm. She turned towards whoever it was who had the nerve to grab her after what she had just done and came face to face with the lady she who was introduced as Chib's old lady Willowdean.

Seeing the friendly yet impressed look on the woman's face was all it took for the emotion Charles was feeling to take over and she collapsed onto the seat and burst into floods of tears. The bench seat creaked as Willowdean sat next to her and pulled her into her should and just let her cry.

Once the sobs had subsided Willowdean gently asked Charles if she wanted to talk about it. Charles remained quiet for a few minutes leading Willowdean to sigh and move to stand up and walk away. Charles made a snap decision, she had to let someone in and she supposed that Willowdean was as good as anyone.

"I really wanted all this shit to be in the past, I wanted my cousin, my best friend back, even if she did steal the only man I ever truly loved."

That statement was enough for Willowdean, she felt for the woman, she had lost the 2 people close to her over something she had no control over. She was angry, so angry that she decided that she would give Gemma this one day to mourn, one further day to recover from the hangover she was likely to have and then she was going to sort this shit out. She loved Gemma but knew she was a pain in the ass, Charles was family and if there was one thing she had learned from being around the boys of SAMCRO, family is everything.

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