*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(part 3)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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February 6th 2020

Leafy's POV

You know... I'm starting to miss Firey, like a lot! When he's not around, I feel there is something missing...

Do I like Firey?

Leafy's Mind: No! There is no way that's true! he hates you!

Ugh! I don't care if he hates me! I love him and that's all that matters...

Ugh! I don't care if he hates me! I love him and that's all that matters

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Firey's POV

For the past few days I've been really thinking about everything Coiny said to me. I want to talk to her and maybe scope things out but I just fear she will hate me even more...

Firey: Hey Coiny?

Coiny: Hey what's up?

Firey: Does Leafy...

Hate me?

Coiny: Bro! Are you insane! Of course she doesn't! Leafy cant hold a grudge on someone for that long! It was just an argument ok? I promise she doesn't hate you...

Firey: are you sure?

Coiny: absolutely! Now go talk to her! >:)

*Firey starts blushing*

Firey: H-Hey Not yet! I'm not r-ready ! O///O

Coiny: too bad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*Coiny drags Firey over to Leafy*

Coiny: ill leave you lovebirds alone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Firey's Mind: Lovebirds? There's no way she feels the same...

Leafy: so um, hi?

Firey: H-hi

*Leafy is confused*

Leafy: Are you okay? Why are you nervous?

Firey: U-uh w-well...

Firey's Mind: I'm Sorry Leafy, You'll hate me for this...


Word Count: 253

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