Chapter 1

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Lena Luthor awakes to the sound of her alarm. She reaches over and silences the dreaded sound coming from her phone. While rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she treads over to her bathroom to get ready for the day. As she is showering, she thinks about how her little girl is already going into the first grade. It feels like just yesterday she was holding her baby for the first time. After she is done getting dressed, she goes down the hallway to her daughter's room.

"Lyric," Lena says softly while gently rubbing the girl's back. "It's time to wake up. It's your first day of first grade." The little girl slowing opens her eyes while yawning.

"Morning Mommy," Lyric says sleepily.

"Good morning my little angel," Lena replies with a smile. "Let's get you ready for school. You don't want to be late on your first day back."


Meanwhile in a small run down one bedroom apartment across town, Kara Danvers is also getting her little girl ready for school. "Kyren, it's time to put your shoes on!"

"Coming Mommy!" the seven year old replies. Kara quickly gets her pink shoes on her little feet and grabs the backpack with tiny kittens pictured all over it. They're out the door in record time and make their way to school.

Kara and Kyren walk up the sidewalk that leads into the big building. They are running a bit late and are rushing through the hallway and around the corner to the first graders classroom. The teacher is waiting at the door with a big smile on her face as they arrive. Kara kneels down and hugs her daughter. "Have fun today. I love you," she says before kissing her little girl's cheek.

"I love you too," Kyren replies. "Bye Mommy!" she says as she smiles and waves to Kara.

"Bye sweetie! I'll be here to pick you up after school," she tells her as she waves back and stands up. She turns around to see a dark haired woman walking around the corner swiftly holding hands with a child lookalike. They smile at each other in passing and Kara watches as the little girl hugs the woman and heads into the classroom as well. The dark haired woman turns to face Kara with a smile.

"They grow up too fast don't they," she says to Kara.

"They sure do," she agrees. They both make their way out to the parking lot and say their goodbyes as Lena heads over to her car. Kara journeys down the sidewalk to catch the bus to work. The bus lets her off at the corner near the quaint coffee shop where she works. Kara opens the door hurriedly and rushes to the back room to drop her belongings and throw on her apron.

"You're late again, Miss Danvers," her manager spits out with a scowl.

"Sorry, it's my daughter's first day back at school. It won't happen again," she assures.

"That's what you've said the last four times," he replies.

"I know, I'm sorry," she apologizes again before taking the customer in line's order.


Lena makes her way into work waving and greeting everyone she passes. She opens the large door to her office and takes a seat at her desk. The blinds to the floor to ceiling windows rise up at the click of a button on her tablet. The door opens to reveal her assistant Jess walking in with a stack of files.

"Here's all the paperwork you requested Miss Luthor," Jess says as she sets the pile of papers on Lena's desk.

"Thank you, Jess," Lena replies. She sighs taking in the number of papers she will have to go through. Running your own company takes a ton of work.

As the end of the school day nears, Lena cleans up her desk to go home for the day. She packs away some paperwork and her laptop into her bag and pushes the button on her tablet to close the blinds. She exits her office and gets on the elevator to head to the floor level. She waves at the front desk workers as she makes her way out of the large building and to her car in the parking garage. She reaches the elementary school and parks her car to go inside to pick up Lyric instead of waiting in the long car line.

"Mommy!" Lyric exclaims when she sees Lena in the doorway. She walks over to her mother and hugs her tightly.

"How was your day sweetie?" Lena asks while hugging her back.

"It was so much fun! I made a new friend!" Lyric replies excitedly.

Lena smiles adoringly and says," Oh yeah? Can I meet them?" Lyric nods happily and grabs her hand, pulling her over to a blonde haired girl.

"Kyren, this is my mommy!" she says to the girl while pointing to Lena. The little girl waves shyly to Lena before her face breaks out into the biggest smile. Lena follows her small blue eyes over her shoulder to a woman with the same eyes walking through the door.

"Hi Mommy!" the blonde girl says. "This is my new friend, Lyric and her mommy."

Lena reaches out her hand to the taller woman and says, "Hi, I'm Lena."

"Kara," the blonde replies with a smile just as bright as the smaller version of herself. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well," Lena replies. "Are you ready to head home sweetie?" she asks Lyric.

"Yes," she responds. "See you tomorrow," she tells her new friend.

"Bye!" Kyren responds with a small wave.

Lena and Lyric both get buckled into the car and Lena drives them home. Once inside, Lena goes through her daughter's folder for school and fills out all the necessary paperwork her little one brought home. A few hours later they're both sitting down for dinner before it's bath time for Lyric. After a quick bath, Lena gets her dressed in her little pajamas and lays her down to go to sleep. "Goodnight angel," she whispers softly before pressing a kiss to her baby girl's cheek.


On the other side of town, Kara lays her child down onto their shared bed and pulls the covers over her. "Goodnight babe," she says quietly. Kara closes the bedroom door and goes over to the counter where the bills seem like they will never stop piling up. She sighs as she opens another one from the water department. It's another notice stating that her payment is past due. She rubs her forehead in exhaustion before tossing the paper back onto the countertop.

Hi! Please let me know what you think! Sorry for any grammar or punctuation errors. I'm not a professional but I try! Hope you enjoy! Upcoming chapters are longer!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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