Practice Room.

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Friday 3:00

after the incident with mina, you had continued to work hard with solar on your guys' next upcoming comeback. not only your group had their comeback, BTS, of course, had their next comeback. 


I was practicing with my group until we were rudely interrupted by jungkook, yoongi, mina, and Taehyung hey had all walked in the dance room and stared at us as if we were doing everything wrong when in reality they were just jealous of our skill, 

Mina raised a brow up, showing a cocky smile as if she was about to show us any better, solar began to speak as they interrupted us.

"Do you guys need something...?" jungkook chuckled as too what I said "we came to practice in this room but it seems-...its occupied" I roll my eyes at his statement knowing they have their own practice room but they decided to bug us, for what? I DONT KNOW!

Mina decides to walk over to us, as she advances she starts speaking. "get out, this is our room now and untalented little girls like YOU don't deserve to be in here" she giggled slightly as she thinks she hurt me SOOOO much. I crossed my arms over my chest and began speaking back to her. 

"What a funny joke mina! I'm sure that clown-ish face of yours can make more!" minas cocky face dropped as I watched her face go from cocky to pure rage. she then tries to advance closer but moonbyul stepped in, as she is much bigger than mina. 

"look mina no one wants to deal with your shit, why don't you go bug someone else for once" mina scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest "HAH no thank's, but I'm not leaving just yet we want this room and I get.whatI.want-.....understand?" I then start to become mad at her trying to steal our room... 

I stepped forward "mina your not getting this room and that's final. now go, bitch, somewhere else before I make you" mina laughed "fine, dance battle whoever wins gets the room" I smirked making a plan in my head I stepped back and talked to the girls in a whisper tone, "this should be easy. let's do it show em what we're made of" we all smirked at her. 

"fine. since you seem bored and you won't fuck off anyway-...but you can go first if your want." the guys walked ahead but she stopped them as she said that she can win this on her own she said she was gonna freestyle it, but I think we all knew this was not gonna end well... 

((I don't even know what this is but oh well))

she concluded her dance and even she knew that was not a smart idea and she should have gone with a choreo she already knew. she sat down and was a little mad that no one clapped or supported her, I stood up and went to start my dance already knowing she lost this battle

((I honestly vibed so much with this dance))

you concluded your dance and stood up already knowing what was about to happen. "okay mina, you had your little dance battle, I'm pretty sure I won compared to whatever kinda 'dance you just did-.." I emphasized the word dance as she snickered " okay fine you won this one y/n but watch it next time because I will WIN" I laughed as her face reddened, yoongi was mad I won and not her as it was embarrassing to even of watched minas dance. jungkook stood up and walked over to me, "you better watch out next time-...because next time I don't think i will go as easy" I smirked as I leaned towards his ear I whispered lightly "ohhh jungkook baby, you're probably as easy as it can get" I then leaned back on the other hand yoongi didn't like the closeness jealousy erupted inside him but he just sat there watching. 

I crossed my arms over my chest again "alright you guys had you fun, now get out your bothering us." they stood up walking out as mina slammed the door behind her. the girls got up and we all looked at each other and started laughing, we stopped and continued. 

1 week later 

our comeback stage was approaching and it was only 1 day before our official music video came out we practiced a little more as just enough to be completely prepared for it. 

it was now a day later and the MV was released and once again we had more than 2 million streams in 3 hours, I smiled thinking about how successful we were I than got up because it was now time to perform at the music bank 

((YOU ARE LISAAAA-... just a Lil thing but I mean u can be whoever you want this is all up to your imagination. Okay, that's enough for today LMAOOOOOOO but yeah thank you for the support and don't forget to vote :) ))

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