Part 3 - Forms And Boxes

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"So codename..." I narrated, reading off the sheet. "An example is Super Cheetah. Well my codename is... Devil Heart! Next is age at the end of this year (2018) so December. I'm turning 22 at the end of this year. Experience in evil. I took all outside of school classes (including uni) but couldn't practice evil with a known name and face as I am aiming to be a 'spy' and a behind the scenes person known only by true evil. I wish to be at least as good as or better than 'The Sinister Woman'. Done!" I cried out after finishing the form. But no one heard because it was way too noisy.

There was a boxed in area in the back corner of the room, which was filled with cardboard boxes for the application forms to go into. Each box had an a4 piece of paper stuck to it (with sicky tape) labelling the area you were applying for.
"Put the form in the box labeled for the area you're applying to." Droned the lady at the box station. "You will get a reply new years eve. Be at the spot where they tell you to meet them on time if you get accepted." I walked passed her station and went to the section of boxes that had forms for M.I.M.E. in them. Slowly, I searched for the box that said 'spy' on it and slipped the application form in it. It was done.

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