Ch13 A Little Offer P3

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Things were going well for the most part- Another round of coughing shook his entire being as his lungs heaved and burnt from the inhale of dust that came from the old couch with each strike he gave it with the broom. Followed by more sneezing and coughing, he really should've brought something to cover his mouth to protect himself. Who knows what was on there other than dust and lots of cathair.

The chuckling behind him wasn't helping his mood either. He gave a glare over his shoulder behind him at the smiling tall cat, who looked nothing but amused at the Duke's struggling.

Seam pointed a paw at the settling cloud of dust before asking," That's the second piece of furniture you're seem to have a problem with. Are you sure I can't just lend a hand in that? "

"Nay! You've helped quite enough." He turned back to the old couch and raised the broom back over his head. It came down onto the couch with a thump sound and a smaller amount of dust than the first hundred wacks it or the old armchair received.

Seam chuckled again at the worm from the armchair. He had to admit, when Rouxls set his mind on something, he was determined to get it done the first time round. He absolutely refused any help offered except for when Seam offered to teleport some of the more larger and dirtier pieces of furniture outside so Rouxls didnt have to worry over trying to manhandle them himself out the door. But down right refused any help with the dusting or polishing of any of them. Seam rose a brow at the thought. Rouxls still thumping away at the couch. Did the Duke always behaved like this or was it only when he wanted something done and over with? Jevil had spoken of Rouxls's more...eccentric and stressful side. Came with being the Royal Duke to three kings and father of one he guessed, but he only caught a glimpse of that side through how stubborn the worm man was and when he was violently digging in the ground. Eck! The mere thought of eating insects made him gag. How could one even do that was beyond him, but that of course wasn't any of his business. What was his business was winning this little game of Jevil's. He usually didn't care for games much, but what was one last game between old friends?

A grunt of approval brought him out of his train of thought and back to Rouxls, who was giving the couch a satisfied look, but then looked down to himself and grimaced at the sight of dust covering his body and the amount of dust covering the black dirt at his feet.

"You've been at this for almost the entire day now. Why not take a break? You look like you could use a cup of tea for your troubles."

Rouxls answer was to huff and proudly not give into the temptation of a small break. "NAY! Unlike thou-" He turned around with the broom slung over one shoulder and his free hand on his hip. "-I haveth nay time to lounge about and waitest for thine next darkner with bits to buyest."

"Actually things have been rather quiet lately." A paw scratched his face. "Hmm. I guess it has something to do with this ball Jevil has been speaking of." Rouxls rolled his eyes with a groan at the mention of it to which Seam caught. "I take it you aren't one for holidays?"

"Holidays are fine. It's thee lunatics that comest with it them."

"Oh? Jevil may have some wild habits, but as long as he doesn't drink hell be perfectly fine."

"That tis not what worries me."

Before Seam could ask what he meant the worm walked off towards the entrace to the Sheap dusting himself along the way. Seam watched after him for a moment before getting up to follow the man. Rouxls had done a quick and great job of the sheap's inside.Seemed nothing escaped the worm's cleanful wrath. He had to admit he was impressed at his energy, he couldn't remember the last time his shop had been this spotless. The flap of the sheap flopped open and he poked his head inside just as Rouxls was picking up the things he brought with him.

"Oh. Are you leaving now? "

"I amst moving mine things so I may leaveth when Im finished with thine last few bits before that Jevil comeths back."

"Oh. I see.....May I ask a question if you don't mind of course?"

"What tis it? I can't spareth much time."

"Why do you not like Jevil?"

Rouxls froze. Completely stopping what he was doing. Seam just stood there and waited for an answer, after a while he tilted his head in curiousity at the worm's sudden mimicking of a statue. Eventually he slightly tilted his head towards him and pushed out a question of his own in a whisper.

"W-...And w-why do you w-wantest to know?"

To that Seam just shrugged. "Just curious. Its none of my business, but the way you see him and the way he sees you seems to be very different. He really fell head over tails for you. Hehe."

More silence filled the room as the two still stared at each other but Rouxls quickly turned his attention back to his things quickly picking everything back up. Seam curiously hummed to himself. It certainly seemed the duke wasn't as attached to Jevil as the imp was to him, but a soulmate was a soul mate so..What exactly was the problem? Knowing the answer to that question would help him move one step closer to the checkmate.

"Do you really hate him that much-?"

"I don't hate him."

He hummed at Rouxls's answer as the worm still didn't look at him. "Well then why not give him more of a chance? Is there something you don't like about him?"

He turned to the cat with a suspicious glance. "Thou art asking alot of questions."

He shrugged again. "You can't really blame me from what I've seen. It's all very peculiar if you ask me."

The worm sighed. " Tis not him. Mine own personal feelings art a puzzle yet unsolved."

"Hehe. So they are what Jevil calls a chaotic mess."

And for once the worm chuckled. His laugh was...nice. A soft warm chuckle that he didn't know could actually come from the stuck up duke. Seam could feel his soul throb a couple times at the smiling chuckling face of the worm man. The few strands of sparkling white hair clinging to his tired face. He turned back to the cat who's eye had slightly widened from the warm sight, a small smile on his face.

"I supposeth do....Why doth thou likest him?"

He shrugged yet again. "Jevil was always a wild card and handful. But I've never met a more happier person. And he makes everyone laugh."

"Thine jester does entertain easily," Rouxls admitted.

"Which reminds me. Why did you say you dreaded him on the holidays?," Seam asked pointing out the previous event. Rouxls suddenly got a look of almost shock over before groaning and reaching a hand up to rub his face. "I take it you've seen him drunk?"

"Nay...Im expecting him to asketh mineself to thine ball."

Seams ears perked up. "You don't sound very excited about that?"

"I just....*sigh* I amst planning on taking careth of Lancer once I gettest back. And knowing how closeth that imp likest to get..." He shivered. "I amst nay ready for such physical activities."

" Oh. I see.....Then it'll be quite the trouble to keep both Jevil and the king in check."

"Not to mention someone hast to makest sure nothing goes wrong."

"I see."

Another moment of silence passed as Rouxls continued to pick up his things and Seam watched with a thoughtful expression.

"....I suppose you'll be very busy there."

Rouxls sighed. "Most definitely."

"And... IF you had some help to watch out for Jevil's shenanigans?"

He gave a dry chuckle. "That wouldst best very helpful, but who in thou's rightest mind wouldst offer to wrangle the likes of Jevil?"

Seam's smile became a tad bit wider as he casuslly answered. "Well....I don't suupose you'd be willing to finally accept my offer to help finally?"

Rouxls had to stop and do a double take at the smiling cat. He could see the wheels turning in his head as he processed what the cat had said. "Art thou...seriously offering to keepest him away from mineself?"

"Well I can't promise that. But I can promise to help keep an eye on him while you do other things. You can just bring me as a guest and Ill see yo myself." He smiled as he watched the worm process the offer in his head before smiling back at Seam.

"I thinkest that couldst be arranged."

"Hahaha. Then a party awaits this old cat yet again." He turned his attention to the gathered up things in his arms. "Are you finished using those already?"

Rouxls shook his head. "No. I merely have that strange hole in thine wall and fireplace to sortest out."

"Ah. I see. Then I won't stand in your way."

He smiled wider. "Thank thee. No if thou'll excuseth me-" He picked the buckle of things up into his arms. "I preferest to finish and leave."

"Of course."

The smiling duke turned to the back room of the Sheap and made his way to the back to what Seam presumed to finish what ever he had left. The old cat chuckled to himself and turned back to the exit. He supposed he should move those shelves and chairs back inside in case it rained again- A loud high pitched shriek made him jump and his fur bristle up startled. The scream was followed by a crashing noise and a stream of loud giggling.

".....Oh no."

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