Ch20 Date Finale

75 3 2

Warning: Past abuse mentioned, Plus minor panic attack

"And then so I put the ace in the trunk Seam had levitated and pulled, pulled him out without anyone knowing. It used to be one of Queen Heart's favorite, favorite tricks of mine, mine. I think I also saw you there a few times, times."

"I was, but I nay had any time for shows with thine king's giving me so many duties to perform."

The floating jester next to him hummed and smiled brightly next to the duke. The two had been chatting about Jevil's old shows he'd perform along with some of Rouxls's old jobs and encounters with the younger royals. Or more specifically Jevil was talking and the duke went ahead and listened to whatever he had to say of course. He didn't mind the constant chattering, he was used to the King of Clubs many heads doing the same thing or Lancer babbling his child mind out. But he was surprised he wasn't more tired.

Well, he guessed it was official now. Rouxls Kaard, Duke of Puzzles, advisor and caretaker of King Lancer- Had finally fallen off the deep end or at least given up and accepted his fate of being surrounded by mad people and the chaos they bring into his life. But he had to debate really quick in his tired mind. Either let Jevil take him out on whatever hopefully not so chaotic outing he wanted and get it over with, or argue for hours until his lungs were burnt out only to be dragged off against his will or fight all over again. He believed the latter was more obvious. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long. But knowing Jevil it would take anywhere from a few minutes to the whole day, hopefully this'll be enough to suffice him. At least for the time being. Right now be had a resting tired and bored face as he allowed himself to be guided along upon the path to who knows where.

But much to his credit, though he'd hate to admit it, Jevil was at least behaving himself. The little imp had offered the poor tired duke his arm, which Rouxls politely declined for personal reasons and opened the door for him. Very gentlemanly- Which raised the worm's suspicions by tenfold. It wasn't like Jevil to be so...calm for more than a few seconds. He knew he wouldn't be acting like this for a good reason, but what for he wouldn't know. Which begs the question. Shouldn't he be more suspicious right now? He's been feeling unusally calm as of late, different from the start of this week or....Well everyday he could remember before this week. It was weird. He still felt suspicious and if he were to be honest a little scared of the whole thing but...He couldn't help but find it strange, so he shrugged it off for now. It was just probably his mind subconsciously becoming more adapted to his new surroundings or maybe he really did need a break from it all.

'There. See? This isn't so bad. It's a nice day and Jevil's sure to make it worth your while. Look at the giant smile on his face-' 'Silence worm! I still has to keepeth mine guard on in case somethinge happens!' 'Still afraid over what happened with her? It was so long ago-'


A surge of anger erupted from the deepest depths of his soul and whatever was going on around him halted in a second. His soul thumped from within his chest and he took a few breaths just staring at the ground to pay any real attention that Jevil had stopped talking about whatever he was going on about and staring dead at him. The floating jester blinked in shock at the heaving duke and froze at his reaction. He could feel the sudden spike of anger come from the glossy eyed worm at he stared dead at the ground, but as quickly as it came it seemed the duke remembered the other person there and slowly turned his glossy eyes towards him. Jevil couldn't make out what the duke was thinking just staring at him- No. Not staring at him. Staring through him. Almost like Rouxls was in some kind of stuper.

"...Rouxls, Rouxls?"

....The duke blinked, it seemed his brain had caught up with his brain and his blurry vision of three Jevils turned into one worried lookinh gremlin reaching his hand out to him. To which he instinctively took a few quick steps away.

"I-I amst fine!" His eyes quickly looked away as he still breathed deeply. "I-I...I just need a few moments."

Jevil didn't look the least bit convinced, but stayed silently staring at him. Rouxls knew the imp was staring at him but didn't let it show, instead straightening himself out and beginning to walk away on jello feeling legs. Jevil right beside him of course. The two walked in very uncomfortable silence for a moment before jevil looked back over to him and silently stared at the duke with a quizzical expression. ...This reaction of staring at nothing and freezing like a cornered rabbick was something he had seen before. Pretty small when he spooked him and he'd freeze and smile, but this was something a whole lot different. It was almost the same reaction he had from a few days ago, minus the sudden outburst just now- His yellow eyes grazed over the few scars across his face-

".....Rouxls?" The worm didn't look at him but made a small hum sound indicating he was listening. The fool nervously bit his bottem lip, maybe he shouldn't be asking so early into his date, heck. It could ruin the whole mood altogether. But-..."Are you feeling, feeling alright?"

".....I willst be fine."

"If you say so, so-"

"I do."

His tone told Jevil that was the end of that discussion, well for now at least. He now had a very concerned and curious idea about his reactions now, but to make the duke more comfortable and hopefully feel better he'd let it go for now. But he made a mental note to figure this out later. Putting on a smile he acted like what happened hadn't even happened, if there was one thing he was good at it was entertainment!

"I heard, heard you enjoyed knitting!" He smiled wider when then the duke's head slightly turned to him. At least that caught his interest. "Little Lancer had showed me, showed me your many scarves and sweaters you made him, him!" He pointed at him. "And you did, did buy wool, wool from Seam. I assumed you did it as a side hobby, hobby."

Rouxls gave off a chuckle and turned his head to him with a soft smile. "It tis. Overtime I just sold extra stock of mine skills to other's who clearly needed them."

Ah. There it was, the duke's pride starting to peek through. Something he loved to poke at and get his reactions out of, but for now he would build his pride up to make him feel better. Which is why he put on mock shock. "You're the one who made, made all those colorful comfy creations, creations? Very impressive.~"

The worm have a couple chuckles and gave him a smile. "Thoust really thinketh so? Tis just a simple hobby to earnest a few extra darke dollars to spoil myself with."

Jevil chuckled. "Well it certainly seems, seems you made a good profit from it."

Rouxls gave a slightly bigger smile and nodded. "Yes, but if I mayest be so bold to ask. Exactly where art thou taking mineself?"

Jevil's ears perked up and he let out another long stream of giggles Rouxls was so used to hearing by this point, he might as well just use giggling as his own language by this point. A lot of emotion was told through his giggles. Childish glees, amusement, happiness, excitement, and sometimes if he was stressed sadness and a few other feelings. It was really quite impressive to say the least. But he didn't answer the question, wherever they were headed must've at least been exciting to Jevil. Because the fool without so much as a second though wrapped a hand around his arm and began tugging him in a direction off the beaten path. He inctinctively froze at the first touch but the way Jevil pulled was strong enough to force the Duke to follow along whether his body told him otherwise or not, the jello feeling in his legs had mostly gone away but he still stumbled trying to match speed with the floating menace pulling him away from sight. A part of his brain should've been worried about this, but he guessed his curiousity had gotten the best of him. It took those blue eyes a moment to realize that the two were still going down a path, but it looked overgrown with dark grass and Dark candy trees all round them. Clearly no one had come down here in a long, long while. But that didn't seem to change the mood of the flying jester who never stopped tugging him forward. Trees passed and the path was slowly starting to open up ahead of them. The trees parted ways to make a small clearing in the middle of the forest, not too big of a clearing. It looked about the size of one of the Rudinn houses he's seen. And smack dab in the middle of this random clearing was a small tree. Compared to the other trees in the surrounding forests this one was considerably smaller and had a smaller trunk than the others. This one must've been a younger one. Couldn't be older than fifty years at most. He was easily pulled through the black as night grass and up to the small tree than stood proudly in the middle of the night grass. The air smelt heavily of grass and sweet, sweet marshmallow making his head swim slightly. His eyes mezmorized by the calmness of the area but blinked with curiousity back to Jevil.

"W-What is this place?"

They gradually came to a stop under the tree and Rouxls took in the sights of the brightly colored tree in front of them. Jevil giggled letting go of his hand and gesturing a hand to the spot they were standing.

"Lancer's friends, friends told me about this place, place. A vender once sold them an egg, egg once." He reached behind him and out of no where pulled out a flat round circle of some sorts. "Now-" Rouxls blinked and looked at him, making him smile. "How about a little magic, magic?"

Rouxls's curious head tilt was all the ok he needed to go ahead and punch his other hand into the blank circle. It went through and with a 'POP' sound the back popped out into what was reveled to be a top hat, with his hand still inside the hat he reached about elbow deep inside rummaging around a little before his hand quickly pulled back out. A pure white blanket rippled out and Rouxls rose a brow at him. What was Jevil going to do with that? Well, his question was answered when the hat was made to levitate in mid air and he lifted the blanket up and over neatly. It came down and.....completely stopped in mid air. Rouxls had to blinked a few times to actually register what he was seeing. The blanket had stopped in the EMPTY mid air and Jevil was currently soothing the wrinkles out like he was placing a tablecloth upon a table, before turning around casually back to the hat and reaching back in like he did this everyday- Meanwhile, the worm blinked and held his hand out to the floating cloth as if unsure what he should do, after a moment of reluctance he finally placed a firm hand on the blanket...and jumped when he felt a solid surface. He thumped his hand onto the table...Then again, and again. And then bent over lifting the cloth back...And his jaw opened in confused shock she he saw not only the underside of a table, but four neat table legs going all the way down to the ground below. The sound of imp giggles reached his ears and so he looked up only to stare in more shocked wonder at the table. Two plates, silverware, and of all the ckeeky things a golden candle holder. Jevil was in the middle of pulling long white candles out of his hat and placing them into the holders onto the table before he finished and looked at Rouxls with a wide mischevious grin. The worm still stared in dumbfounded wonder at the sudden appearance at the whole set up.
"You might want to stand back, back." Before Rouxls could ask what he meant Jevil turned back to the candles, sucking in a breath between his fangs making it sound like a hiss sound. His cheeks slowly puffed out until each looked about as big as his fist. Rouxls rose a brow and opened his mouth to ask what he was doing, but Jevil had already opened his mouth...And a sudden bright light spilt from his mouth. A yelp was earned out of him from the sudden stream of warm blistering fire shot out and in the directions of the candles. Jevil could breath FIRE?! When has he been able to do that?! No sooner as it was said and done was there three simple little candles a blaze on the table completing Jevil's little scene. With a smile he turned back to the staring worm and giggled getting his attention back onto him. With a flick of his wrist the hat disappeared and he gave a small bow to his one man audience. "What do you think, think?"

He opened his mouth, but blinked and looked back the display before him. "Tis....a-a remarkable showmanship of magic. *Ahem* I applaud thou's efforts. V-Very well done."

Jevil looked relatively pleased with himself and gestered to one side of the table he had conjured up. "Please have a seat, seat."

"There are nay any-" He shut up the moment he looked over at where he was pointing and saw a chair that clearly wasn't there before. Jevil giggled and he made a small frown, but did hesitantly go over to the small chair and slowly sat down in it. He stared down on it with a weary expression for a few seconds before moving his eyes back towards the still floating Jester. Jevil currently had himself in a crisscrossed sitting position and giving him a weary smile.

"Do you like it, like it?"

"It is...not exactly what I was expecting so early in thine morning-" He gave a small smile to the loon. "But tis a b-better surprise then I thoughtest is wouldst be."

Jevil took that as a compliment and put an almost smug look on his face. "Of course, of course. I knew asking King, King Hearts was bound to be a game changing play, play.~"

This time the duke snickered and rose a brow playfully. Slightly leaning on the table. "Oh. Don't tellest me that THEE Amazing Jevil who couldst doth anything needed some advice on something as simple as breakfast with mineself?"

This time it was Jevil's turn to pause...before coughing and tapping one of his hands on his leg. "Well, well....Sometimes to play the game of hearts one must gather a few game plans, plans from other's who has experienced such things before. We all have different approaches, approaches to achieving the checkmate."

"Oh? And I don't supposeth this grand checkmate tis mine affections tis it?"

"Correct, correct."

Jevil wasn't even trying to be discreet about it. That could be a good thing. At least he wasn't hiding anything, being blunt and forward must've been how he usually do things. It would make sense with his big, loud personality. Seam was the one who seemed the more likely to use trickery as he had unknowingly agreed to go with him to the silly ball, but I digress. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad- No sooner when he thought that a loud rumble came from below and the duke winced undignantly, putting a hand to his stomach. Well, he was certainly a fool for skipping breakfast now wasn't he. The rumble certainly got the attention of the imp because he gave a cheeky grin and his tail wagged behind him.

"Oh? Are we hungry, hungry?"

"M-Mayhaps a bit."

"Hehehe. More shine to dazzle, dazzle any audience!" He giggled before holding his arms out to where they were pressed together and in the middle of the table. Before slowly moving his arms wide like expecting a hug-...What the fucketh?! As he slowly moved his arms, a few portions of food appeared slowly as his arms passed upon the table. When Jevil's arms finally reached the ends of said table, he retreated them back to his sides and giggled at the wide eyed worm again. "You like, like it?~"

"..." With wide eyes he slowly looked back up to him with wonder. "How didst thou-"

He was silenced by Jevil holding up a finger. "Ah, ah, ah. A true magic maker never, never kiss and tells....Maybe a small reward, reward for this would be enough?~"

His purr made a shiver run down the duke's spine for some unknown reason and he destracted himself from Jevil's gaze by looking down at what he happened to summon up.....Wait a second. His eyes blinked down at the food upon Jevil's plate, the familiar star shaped black marshmallow scented candies were all he had on his plate and the duke gave him a questioning look, as if to say, "Are you seriously eating nothing but candy for breakfast?' Jevil chuckled at the duke's obviously disapproving face and casually pointed to his side of the table. Rouxls rolled his eyes and followed the direction of the pointing claw and blinks. The own plate in front of him was filled with the very, VERY unbelievable sight of steaming palace deluctables he hadn't laid eyes upon within the ten grueling days he had been he had been in this excile of the vacation on his existance. OH SWEET LIGHTNER!! The smell! It was heavenly like a river of honey that made his mouth water and he couldn't help but widen his eyes at the sight before him. Jevil raised a hand about to comment on how comical his expression was, but was silenced by the sight of the duke, in a not so very noble upper class way mind you, started digging into the food resented before him with vigor. Black and yellow eyes blinked in shock as he watched the un-Duke-ly sight before him....You'd think Rouxls was starving himself with the way he was contently eating the food placed before him with a pleased hum. ...Well wasn't this a familiar sight, his smile stretched back, he remembered a certain little round prince happily humming and shoveling down food whenever he was given a snack. Like father like son. His giggled must've caught the worm off guard because he froze and stared at him like a deer in headlights.

"Someone, someone likes my cooking, cooking?" He leaned his head in his hand staring at him sideways with a cheeky grin.

Rouxls cleared his throat and immediately straightened up into a proper pose, with a serious face. "W-Well when one has been eating nothing but fat inducing sweets and whatever mediocre substinance Seam selleths within his shoppe for days on end, one would greatly miss thine..." He stopped and stared at the grinning menace, then down to his food and back. "...THOU haseth cooked this??"

His shoulders shrugged without changing his position and with his other hand flicked his hand and a dark candy floated off the plate and up to his face. "I used to help, help my dear mother cook for Queen Heart many, many years ago.~ " He purred with a far away look as if remembering a memory, the candy tossed into his open jaws with a snap. "I may have picked up, up a few things from my times helping, helping. You like it?"

"Tis..d-delightful. Thank thee."

A silence peacefully fell between the two as they stared down to the set up in front of them. Well at least Rouxls did, he felt the beady eyes of the other man studying his every move but decided against engaging. The quicker this finished, the quicker he could be back and ready himself to go back first thing in the morning. Just the sight of his boy excitedly running up to him put a smile on his face. You bet that smile didn't slide past those watchful black and yellow eyes who smiled back at the prospect of pleasing his soulmate. It made his soul thumped with pride. Though this silent staring contest was something he started to find boring, if he could he would stare at the duke all day, but that's not what his interests were at that moment. But the silent pause did give him a good chance to look at Mr. Kaard in a calmer state. The candlelight make his already shiny white hair glimmer, and highlight the pure white lashes blinking downwards, his dark blue skin with the few white specks which he assumed were Rouxls's kind's aquivilant of freckles. Over all he was very pretty. It was easy to see why the sweet talking duke had so many admirers...The thought of anyone else taking him though made a jealous tight feeling come from his throbbing soul but was pushed aside for now. He was trying not to come off as crazy after all. ..But looking at his face, he could still see the few scars that lined his faces- This time his frown was imminate. The shout from earlier came back crossing his mind and he hummed.

The pointed blue ears caught that hum and despite him gut feelings he looked up and paused at the yellow eyes studying him up and down. He had a bad feeling about this. "...W-What?"

"...Nothing, nothing. Just admiring, admiring how delightfully different you look."

A confused brow rose, his mind contanplating whether he should take it as a compliment or not, but settled on an unsure smile. "W-Well of course!" Rouxls sat up proudly and placed a hand to his chest. "Not many are able to matcheth thine likes of mineself.~"

Making Jevil giggle a few time but he went back to a more slightly concerned looking face. The repeat of Kaard's yelling on loop throughout his mind and his other half calculating his enevitable approach to this. His conscious was already crawling up his back, and he had a sneaking suspicion there was something lingering behind that smile the duke always put up in times like this. And the sudden outbursts of yelling was a big give away for that. Well this would definitely throw a monkey wrench into his plans, but luckily he thought of a way to hopefully get to the bottom of everything- Why don't they play just a teeny tiny little numbers game?~

Jevil giggled, his face lighting up as a lightbulb went off in his head. And his head came down to rest ontop of his clasped hands. "You know, you know.~ We never got to finish that game, game you started in my old little freedom.~" The worm stopped halfway through bringing the fork to his mouth and raising a brow to Jevil. A giggle escaped his lips and he proceeded. "It's just a simple numbers, numbers game.~ Nothing too complicated."

The worm slowly put the fork back down onto his plate and gave him a suspicious look. "..And pretail what are thine rules of this 'game' thou speakest of?"

Well that wasn't a no.

His smile got wider and he chuckled yet again. Inspecting the claws on his hands and shrugging casually. "Ever played the game, game truth or dare?" The duke now looked even more suspicious but slowly nodded his head. He had played this ridiculous game with Lancer once or twice when he had (forced him into going) invited him to his sleepovers. The game was utterly ridiculous, but considering whatever Jevil was comparing it too- He grinned and looked at him. "It's like, like that but with no dares."

"So, thou only askeths the truths?"

"Correct, correct." His smile promised nothing but mischief in the worm's eyes. "Ask, ask each other five questions, questions each we shall do. And with each question comes, comes the complete and full honest to lightner truth. ...How about it?~" Rouxls was looking at him as if he had just asked if his face was a mask and to pull it off. Him?! Playing a one sided game of truth and dare with Jevil?! Oh golly gee wizz! How could this go wrong? Jevil must've noticed because he held up a hand assuringly. "I promise, promise I will be as honest and truthful as long as you are, are. And they won't be too, too difficult to answer. Lightner's honor!"

Rouxls still stared blankly at him with a flush look, but after a moment he let out a shaky sigh. Was there anyway around this? Perhaps. He vaguely remembered that the loon promised to respect his boundaries and yet...The promise of getting any information out of this confusing little monkey was honestly very tempting. He could ask what he had planned for this petty soulmate game. He could find out why he insisted they were meant to be?....He could ask how he was taking care of Lancer. That last one perked his interest entirely. The wide eyed realization on his face making Jevil smile wider almost to his ears. But soon enough a professional 'Ahem' came from the Duke and he stared at him with a stern business meeting face.

"Jevil. I willst accept thine uh-...'game', but on thine condition. Thou willst not asketh me any question that art of no concern to thou. If thou knowest what I meaneth."

He giggled. "Agreed, agreed. Shall I go first?" The duke nodded professionally and gestured to him the go ahead. OH! This made his tail wag faster in undeniable fashion. OH! The possibilities of what he could ask! But he had to remember to keep composure. Wouldn't want to scare him after all. He already had one question he had on his mind for a while. "Why does the little, little King refer to you as his sire?"

The worm blinked, completely thrown off at the question. He was fully expecting something childish but- "What?"

"You can't deny my curiousity, curiousity. It's quite obvious you two are not blood, blood related," he said while motioning his hand to him as if to point out their clearly different features. "Yet he looks at and speaks of you like you were. Adoption, adoption like Mak and Seam you are?"

The duke's eyes fell back down to the plate and if Jevil wasn't mistaken, a hint of sadness fell upon those mitch-matched eyes of his. "I-....I madest a p-promise to someone I...c-c-cared about to looketh after him. A long...longeth time ago."

A small silence fell on the two, and it accured to Jevil that that was the most he was going to get out of that question as the duke picked away at the obviously suddenly interesting food. Ok. Maybe a bad question to start out with but he had to-...How did Lancer say it?- roll with the punches? Was that it? Strange expressions.

"I believe, believe one turn earns another."

"Hmm?......OH! R-Righteth. Um..." Blue fingers tapped on the table as the question of what he desperately wanted to know. "What of Lancer? Didst thou follow all thine rules I gaveth thee?" His eyes narrowed at the floating loon.

Jevil sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. Make sure he ate healthy, read him a bedtime story every night, make sure, sure the pawns-...servants, servants cleaned his room." He examined his claws and glanced at the slight scowl Rouxls was giving him and sighed with another eye roll. "Baths. Totors, totors. Playtime. And of course, course no where near the dungeon." He gave him a smile. "But of course he's been handling, handling any king duties with help from the other Kings. Have more faith in me, me."

Rouxls hummed and still gave him a suspicious look but relaxed back just a tiny bit. "We shall see upon mine return tomorrow."

"Correct, correct." He smirked. "And that counted as two questions.~"

"WHAT?!" The worm's famous annoyance flared across his face but it did little to nothing to intimidate the floating loon who just giggled. "That nay counts!!"

"Ah, ah, ah.~" The same finger came up to wag at him. "Now, now. We agreed to five, five questions each, each. You never said you or me could ask more than one, one in a row. You only laid one rule and one rule I have followed indeed."

Rouxls growled and mumbled under his breath but let his shoulders slump defeated and said, "FINE!! But thou couldst best considerate and doth the same with thine next pair."

He giggled turning to lay on his side in mid air. "Fair enough. Fair enough. And after my two that will make us both, both just an equal two of hearts to go.~" He ended that sentence with a wink and Rouxls gave an embarrased mumble at that. But seriously back on the topic the gremlin hummed and tapped his fingers against each other. What infinate details of the duke would he want to know most in the world right now? He had quite a few, the scars being one. But he wanted to calm down that anoyance from earlier. So why not a realatively normal and safe one? Or two. Turning back to Rouxls, he asked, "What do you like, like about myself if anything at all? Or Seam for that matter?"

Another silence fell upon the two from that question. Rouxls stared and blinked at the ever patiently waiting Jevil, his brain trying to process the questions just asked to him. He wanted to hear what? Praise from him? Did he want to point out all the good details, the few he even saw, and tell them to him. His soul gave a giant leap at the idea and it seemed his mind flooded with the sudden thought of 'Hey! This is a good idea!' no matter how much his rational brain told him otherwise. Here we go again.

But no matter what happens he would stay professional. So he shrugged calmly. "What tis there to really say about? Thou art very troublesome there's that," He looked back to his food to avoid the small frown slowly appear on Jevil's face. "Thou art also very clingy, bothersome...but very determined." Jevil blinked as the duke's expression became thoughtful. And he...chuckled. "Thou art worse than Lancer. Once a thought appears thou nay stop til thine job is done. And making so many things appear-.." His fingers drummed against the surface of the table again as if not quite beleiving it was still there. "..Tis fascinatinge. I amst impressed with thine magical capabilities thou has demonstrated. And Seam haseth his own magically surprises. He tis very calmeth and can holdest a decent conversation, very good from thine castle staff." He chuckled a memory going back to that awkward small hug just a few days ago. "And I meant what I said. Thou art a funny little man."

He chuckled at the mischieve making Lancer would usually do around the castle and- OH! Oh, no. He certainly hoped Jevil's bad influence hadn't rubbed off on him too much, then he would have a real problem on his hands. Chuckling his eyes glazed back up to Jevil and blinked. The imp was almost limply sitting in the middle of the air, silently staring at him. His eyes wide, his ears drooping, and a light purple flush dusting across his cheeks. For a moment the worm thought he had upset the gremlin, and a small feeling of gult throbbed from somewhere within his body. Until a small sniff came from him and he went into full blown panic that he had made Jevil cry-

"T-That's..That's the most..*sniff* nicest t-thing you have ever, ever said about m-me." A shaky smile came over his features and if it weren't for the table between them he would've lunge at him in happiness now.

Rouxls held out a hand hesitantly. "A-Art thou ok?"

"Y-Yeah..Im fine, fine." With a flick of his wrist a tissue appeared and he blew his non-existant nose into it. "My, my world is just revolving with my heart."

Rouxls chuckled and smiled at the sweet sight before him. It was honestly kinda sweet. Oh! He was forgetting something. "Mayhaps I couldst casheth in another ask in our 'game'?"

"Go ahead, go ahead."

"Why is it thou speakest in double tongue?" Jevil blinked confused behind wiping his face. "Why doth thou repeat words?"

Jevil shrugged. "I know not. I have done it, done it for as long as I could remember, remember. A habit I shall keep I suppose."

Well that was probably the most straight forward answer he had gotten such far. He wondered how many more he would receive. A part of him wondered how many of the answers were actual truth and if he was actually being truthful at all, but for some reason he felt as if it was truth somehow.

"Why do YOU speak, speak the way you do?" Rouxls blinked at him. "It's only fair I ask about your own, own strange way of speaking."

Rouxls...looked back to his plate for a moment. "....Tis h-how mine family used to speakest. T-They wereth very...tradional of olde ways. I guesseth olde habits nay die hard." Jevil could sense a hint of sandess within his words but didn't have a chance to linger on the thought when Rouxls's eyes looked back to him with interest. At the mention of family it sparked some kind of curiousity, as he remembered he had never seen any other person like Jevil and beleive me. Being the royal advisor for over a hundred years attending royal meetings with other kingdoms, and meeting many, many different darkner people he had seen the oddest people on this plain of existance. But he had never seen someone like jevil. Literal spring neck, constant flow of powerful magic obviously considering how often he can just float in mid air, and other strange features were something he hasn't ever seen before. How was he even eating- Perhaps he hailed from a different dark of the Dark World? And before he stop himself the words tumbled out. "What art thou?"...Jevil tilted his head obviously confused at what he meant and Rouxls cleared his throat. "I-I mean. Thine species. I shan't remember ever seeing anyone like thou before."

Jevil paused, but smiled taking his exotic looks as another compliment and flattered the duke would take notice of such. And so a string of giggles came out and he leaned forward with a purr. "Very wise observation, observation, Dear Duke.~" He then shrugged. "To stay honest with our game, game I haven't the faintest close of most that make up my lineage, lineage. But I do remember my dear mother having the same spring, spring in her step as I and my sire, sire was of the Joker lines."

Rouxls stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, before blinking. "Art thou saying that thou tis a mix of other Darkners?"

"Yes, yes. Very spot on, spot on!"

Well...This certainly explained things. Darkners of mixed lines were certainly of no rarity but he never suspected Jevil to be one of them. With the power he had demonstrated he was sure he was at least of Tarot Kaard decent, but maybe he still was. He did say he was of Joker Kaard decent, well no matter. That cleared up a lot of his confusion and curiousity at least.

"But that was six questions, questions in total, total!" More excited giggles. "You're all out now. But I have one, one left to ask of you."

Rouxls sighed and shook his head. One more question and one more silly answer to give. But he could bare it. He made a gesture for Jevil to go ahead and finish this silly thing once and for all.....But silence stared it. Those Yellow and black eyes glazed over his face and the toothy smile upon his face slowly disappeared the more he stared. Kaard stared back blinking and his brow raising the longer Jevil stared. By now the only sound was the leaves of the leave above and around them as the wind gently pushed through them. It was quiet....Too quiet. Very unlike Jevil. The pit in his stomach from before started to creep back in now-

"Rouxls, rouxls." The sound of his voice made him jump, and the sheer tone of dead seriousness dripping from it was suprising. Jevil was staring at him with a calm, serious look before letting out a long sigh. "How did you receive those markings?"

He suddenly felt like he was falling. Oh no he hoped he didn't faint again. The only that might've kept him up was the sheer shock of the question asked or maybe the sheer serious no nonsesne face on the happy go lucky jester. His soul thumped hard against his chest and his eyes quickly fell back to the table to avoid eye contact from the stare from the other man. Jevil just stared silently, as if one had all eternity to wait for this silent haired man.

".....T-That tis n-no concern to thou." He finally forced out.

"Corection, correction! We agreed nothing that didn't concern, concern either of us. But I think this does, does." His head lowered turning sideways. "You already answered that question partically earlier, earlier though. Did you not?" Rouxls's ears drooping was all the answer he needed. "...Is that why you are so against this. this?" One of his hands gestured to the table and everything on it.

Rouxls still remained silent. Eyes still staring blankly on the table- "Tis was of mine own foolish young feelings." Jevil blinked when he finally stared up to him a frown on his face. " own fault. I f-foolishly....Foolishly thought that it wouldst be-...That she wouldst...The...Q-Q-Queen..."

His teeth gritted together and his hands clenched up! A lot of things hit him at once, anger, regret, sorrow. He could write a whole sonata of things. His eyes once again stared blankly again and his visio blurred. His soul radiated sadness and he wasn't the only one who sensed it. He didn't see the wave of clawed hands, or notice the dim lighting from no more candles, or the fact that the smell of any foof beyond the candy on the trees were gone, or that everything on the table minus the cloth had suddenly disappeared. What he did notice, was the gripping of his hand, which he jumped at, his rapidly blinking eyes clearing up enough to catch the sight of slightly smaller hands grabbing his. And looking up into the silent face of the the small loon.

Tis funny how one's face could give off thoughts without saying anything at all. It read "I know now. I know exactly what happened." Which made him internally wince. But at the same time it read, "I know exactly how you feel."

"...Im sorry, sorry for your loss. I felt empty, empty too when I made, made the mistake of cheating life's game and thrown into my small freedom, freedom. ....I put Seam, Seam into a difficult situation of choosing moves and he made the right" His voice was almost hollow with sadness despite the small smile he tried to put on for him. ".....I lost, lost my oldest friend."

"But...t-thou art still friends now, and all is forgiven. A-Arn't thou?"

He gave a small chuckle. "Heh. Yes, yes. But only because Seam is a forgiving, forgiving soul. Im very fortunately he decided to do so, so."

Another small pause, but Jevil blinked and looked down when he felt the blue hand squeezing him back, then looked up to Rouxls in surprise question. Rouxls gave him a ...small smile of his own.

"Mayhaps....we art more alike than I thought. Jevil, thou art a o-oddity I shan't ever understand fully...but t-thou art a kind and ...perhaps I darsay misunderstood man...And I thank thee f-fully for that."

He stared at the worm in front of him, this silly silly worm with the beautifully glowing hair and the cute small gap between his teeth in his small smile. And the cool water balloon like skin gripping his own at this very sweet moment. If he was watching this game as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally arguing over this less than five days ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not Seam. Not adorable little Lancer. Not the game or the threat of Seam winning even in the slightest. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. The wind blew some more rustling the leaves and driving the intoxicating sweet marshamllow scent around them more. And blowling some of that pretty hair into his face, which he immediately reached to pull away and Rouxls made no move to stop him from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped his cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...

They kissed.


The sheap was peaceful today. No customers had come in today and he was good and content to just relax in his favorite armchair in the back room and lazily watch the fire. Cup of warm catnip tea in his paws. Beside him the small child laid on their stomach drawing with some strange objects called crayons or the like, he once took a peek over to see what they were drawing and smiled upon seeing a funny looking purple man who may or may not have looked familiar to someone they both knew, surrounded by attacks of every suit and wearing what looked like a crown made of spoons. ...Or maybe that was just because his one eye vision wasn't the best. He chuckled and went back to watching the fire in front of them. It warm glow made his cotton fuzzy and he sunk back down into the chair more-

The clear sound of the sheap's flap opening and closing made him blink and sit back up. Oh? A customer perhaps? When he turned his head he caught sight of a floating imp he knew all too well and he smiled.

"Well, well. Back so soon?..Or I guess not. It has been almost seven hours by now Old friend."

The child excitedly bounced up catching sight of the jester dad and spilt the drawing tools in their hurry to bounce up to him and excitedly shove the picture into his face. "For you!"

The jester paused looking at the paper, before taking it with a smile and giving the child a couple patts on the head. Which they laughed at and ran off to a different corner of the room to do whatever they usually did, Jevil smiled watching them go before looking back to the picture with a smile....Then it slowly dripped to a frown. Seam caught wind of that and gave a hum. He wasn't looking so happy. Maybe the little plan didn't end in victory like he wanted? The imp looked into the prying eyes of the cat and floated towards him, still holding the paper.

"I take it the little outting was not a pleasant one?"

Jevil shook his head. "On the contrary, contrary. It was quite breathtaking."

"Then why the long my friend. Did the duke not return what you were hoping for?"

Jevil gave him a serious look which he hummed at. Must've been something really important to get that look in his eyes. "We need to discuss, discuss something of upmost importance this instant."

"Enlighten me, friend. Im all ears."

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