Even goldfish need a name

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"Okay. So you mean to tell me... that I've been rejuvenated about ten years because this so-called 'Black Organization' forced me to take a drug that you created," Gintoki questioned as he accusingly pointed his finger at Haibara.

"Don't point, it's rude. And yes, that's what happened," Informed Haibara for what must've been the 30th time. Everyone else had moved on from the conversation, they were too tired to keep it going, but Gintoki kept on pestering Haibara for more information. Both Shinichi and Haibara had a rather simple time accepting their situation and moving on, but Gintoki just couldn't believe what was happening to him.

"No no no no," muttered Gintoki as he looked outside, searching for something that wasn't there, "You mean this is Edo? This isn't happening... This isn't happening... THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!!!"

Even goldfish need a name

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, startled by Gintoki's sudden outburst.

"I WAS JUST MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS AND THAT GORILLA DECIDES TO THROW ME ONTO THIS SITUATION? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?a" Gintoki's voice only grew louder and louder, frightening everyone present. If they weren't afraid of him then, they were now, "I KNOW I ALWAYS SAY IT'S GOOD TO BE A CHILD NO MATTER YOUR AGE BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH!!! THIS ISN'T EVEN THE SAME SHOW ANYMORE!!!"

It stayed silent for a while, no one dared move an inch, until Professor Agasa cleared his throat, not quite sure how to deal with the situation, "A-anyways, Gintoki-kun, I bet you're hungry, why don't you grab something from the kitchen and calm down for a bit?"

"Yeah, you're right. You're right. Everything's gonna be alright, " He kept reassuring himself as he made his way to the kitchen, his eyes set on something extremely sweet, sweeter than anything he has ever tasted in his life.

"You know, now that you're on the organization's radar, it would be best if you got an alias," advised Haibara as she narrowed her eyes at Gintoki, who at the moment was pouring the whole sugar container into a glass of water.

Shinichi looked up from his mystery novel, a small twinkle showing in his eyes, "You're right. Matsumoto Rampo might be a good one. You look like a Rampo."

"I was actually thinking Natsuo Miyabe, it has a nice ring to it," Argued Haibara, who now was slightly horrified by the way the silver-haired teen was spreading condensed milk over a toast as if his life depended on it.

"Hmm... You know, I think Yokomizo Seicho wouldn't be too bad," Inquired Professor Agasa after thinking for a while. All three of them went onto a huge argument of which name was best, leaving Gintoki to eat everything and anything sweet within the kitchen limits.

By the time Gintoki was done eating, the argument was still going strong. Gintoki was getting annoyed at them, it was like looking at a family arguing over the name of their brand new goldfish. Gintoki was pretty sure they were just minutes away from putting names in a hat and letting fate decide. Not that he had a good track record with it.

"Are you guys done?" He asked in an annoyed tone, trying to get their attention, "I'm pretty sure they won't come after me, they didn't even get a chance to clearly look at me. My name is Sakata Gintoki and it's staying that way. If you guys want a nickname so badly, you can call me Gin."

The moment the name left his mouth, he was met with murderous looks. If looks could kill, then they better charge the 7-year-old boy with first-degree murder. Not that the others were any better.

In one swift move, the 7-year-old leveled his watch to his eye, producing a small bull's eye, and made a funny clicking sound. Everything went dark afterward.

The shooter turned to Haibara, panic filling his voice, "Haibara! You think...?!"

The girl answered immediately, leaving no space for the shrunken detective to start formulating theories, "No. That's definitely not the Gin you're thinking about. He would never allow anyone else to use his name, it's probably just coincidence he has the same nickname. If they knew, we would already be dead."

"Haibara-kun is right, Shinichi-kun. I just don't see why they would simply wait," Said the professor with a thoughtful look on his face. The detective chose to relax upon hearing those words, but that didn't mean he wouldn't keep a close eye on him.

Something about the guy bothered Shinichi. Actually, many things about him bothered Shinichi. The yukata he had on when he found him made no sense, there weren't any festivals going on at the time. He also didn't like the fact that he had two katanas on him when they found him, were he and his "comrade" fighting with them? But what bothered him the most were his eyes. Shinichi had seen many, many dead-looking eyes throughout his life, but all of them were on dead people, never on the living.

"Well," said Professor Agasa as he stood up, "we better wrap it up for the night, it's time to go to sleep. We can just leave Gin-kun asleep on the couch."


The next morning, Gin woke up to a small 7-year-old gently shaking him. He felt confused, he didn't know who this strange, sassy-looking child shaking him was. Suddenly, he remembered what happened yesterday and a deep groan left him.

"I was kind of hoping what happened yesterday was some sort of weird fever dream," He told the shrunk scientist, kind of hoping for a consolation. The only thing he got from her were instructions to keep still while she examined him, something that went on for longer than the perm haired teen would've liked.

"Are you done?" Gin asked her as she put all her medical equipment away. A vein was visible on her forehead, that was the 10th time he'd asked her. He was acting more like a child than Shinichi when he puts on the "Conan" facade, and that was irritating her more and more.

"Yes, I'm done. But, there's something that worries me," She informed, looking over all the noted she wrote down during the examination, "I'm afraid your sugar levels in your blood are dangerously high, you should cut back your sweets before you get diabetes."

"I know. My doctor told me that if I continue eating so much sugar, my balls will explode," he answered in a carefree tone, leaving a stunned Haibara as he made his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge, "Do you have any maple syrup left by the way?"

The shrunk scientist had no word to describe the way she was feeling, how could someone be so carefree about their own health? What did the numbers in her chart mean? And more importantly, what kind of doctor would tell a patient that sort of thing? Haibara would have to conduct more experiments to find out the truth.


I know nothing relevant happened in this chapter, it's kind of boring, to be honest, but I promise it'll get better soon.

Any comments, questions, concerns?

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