Horror Movie

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"Taekook watching Horror movie"

Tae: Is it over...? (tae asked jungkook worriedly while covering his face with a pillow)

Jk: The ghost hasn't appeared yet..How can you enjoy the movie if you keep covering your eyes with a pillow? (Said jk while looking at taehyung whos like a kid hugging his pillow)

Tae: I'm scared of ghost.. (shivering)

Jk: You're scared of ghost and yet you are the one who insisted to watch horror movie.

(After a min jk fell asleep and tae didn't notice it because hes still covering his face with the pillow)

Tae: Kookie-yah is the ghost gone?(tae thought that jk was still on the movie so he thought that silence means yes and....when he look at the screen...)

"Aaaaaaaaah!!!!"(tae screamed like it was the end of the world)

Jk:wa-what happened? You scared me!!

(Tae is now hugging jk and his eyes is close while resting his head in jk's chest)

Tae: It's quiet. Is the ghost gone?

Jk:Yes (tae felt relieved and slowly looking at the screen)

Tae:Great.. Aaaaaaaah!!! Kookie-yaaaah (tae screamed his lungs out and hugged jk)

*Jk laugh*

(Tae sobs and Jk look so worried about tae's reaction)

Jk: Alright, I'm sorry.. It was just a little prank. I didn't know you'd be scared like that taehyung-aa (pats tae's head)

Jk: It's close to ending now taetae.. I think you should watch now or you'll regret that you didnt enjoy it( telling tae whos still covering his face with pillow)

(HAHAHAHHAHA creepy ghost laugh on the screen)

*tae still sobbing*

Tae:It's too scary kookie-yaa, can you lower the volume a little..

Jk:Fine (jk bend down to find the remote that
fell on the lower side of the bed because of Taehyung being scaredy cat)

Jk:I can't find it hyung..

Tae:its down there..

Tae: left side

Jk: its too dark I cant see the remote

Tae: its on the left side (whos hand reaching to jk's)

Jk: eh? (Jk who likes to sleep naked was shocked because Tae accidentally touched jk's long thing....)

Tae: Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! This is more terrifying than horror movies!!!!!

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