Everyday, I miss you

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One Shot

See you again.

"Taehyung? How are you?"Jungkook told his bf who's smiling.He really miss him even though he just met him yesterday.

"Woah! I am really inlove with you..
Everyday I always come to visit you, even though we can't talk for as long as I could see your smile its okay. My day would always be better every time I see you. If only I could stay here with you I could do that." Said jk while smiling while his eyes has different emotions.

"I really, really miss you."Said Jungkook while his eyes in the sky.

"I remember before, you are very sweet to me even though I am very bad or harsh... and even though I didn't not show up in our dates, you still love me."Said jk while smiling while wiping something on his eyes.

"Sh*t! Its raining! I didn't bring an umbrella with me!"Said jk while panicking and immediately remove his jacket and place it to taehyung.

"There you won't get wet, my love."Said jk and smiled.

"I miss you so much that the sky is crying."Said jk while looking at his wristwatch.

"Love, I really miss you.. but its getting late already.. maybe tomorrow again."Jungkook doesn't want to leave his bf, but he needed to leave already because its getting late and...

But the graveyard gates are about to close.

"Tomorrow, promise. I'll come this time."Jungkook said to his Boyfriend's grave and kisses his bf picture.

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