Suga - Kitty Cuddles

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"Noona," my roommate's smooth baritone voice rang out as soon as I closed the front door behind me. "Come pet me."

The unusual request caused me to pause briefly before locking the door and deadbolt.

"That sounds really weird," I replied as I took my shoes off and placed them on the rack we had by the door.

I could hear him pout as he grumbled, "I'm part cat."

"I know. Still weird."

I hung up my coat and made my way into my bedroom to change out of my work clothes. While my slacks and blouse were comfortable, they just weren't appropriate for Friday night lounging. After a rather tedious week of work, I was looking forward to reheating my leftovers from last night, pouring myself a whisky and Coke, and vegging out in front of the television until I felt fully relaxed.

"Are you hybrid shamming me?" Yoongi asked as I walked into the living on my way to the kitchen. I glanced over to him sprawled out on the couch wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, looking like he hadn't moved from that spot in hours. I envied him.

"No, Yoongi," I sighed as I continued on my trajectory to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed my leftover ravioli. "It's just that you've never asked me to pet you before." Removing the stretch wrap, I popped the bowl in the microwave. "Not that you asked this time, either," I mumbled.

"I heard that."

"I'm sure you did." 

Deciding I wanted to get my drink on sooner rather than later, I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and located the bottle of whisky I kept on top of the fridge. "Are you feeling extra cat-like today or something? That's pretty rare for you, right?"

In the nine months we'd lived together, Yoongi had never really shown any signs of being a hybrid other than the physical ones. His adorable cat ears and tail.

I had never lived with a hybrid before, but had heard plenty of stories about how high maintenance some hybrids could be. I had heard how some hybrids would require extra attention or affection, or how they could be manipulative to get what they wanted. Honestly, it all sounded like standard human behavior. I'd been in some unpleasant roommate situations before, so a cat hybrid roommate didn't sound all that undesirable.

Yoongi had openly admitted to being a loner. He was a studio musician for a major record label and spent most of his time at work, and usually spent most of his time at home asleep.

A few months earlier we had started getting in the habit of watching movies together on Friday nights. Seated on opposite ends of the couch, we'd drink and give our own commentary of each film. To an outsider, it would look like we were friends, but I didn't think we were quite there yet. I got the distinct feeling that Yoongi just tolerated me.

I finished pouring my drink as the microwave went off. "Can I eat first?"

Walking back into the living room, I found that Yoongi had moved enough to grant me access to me usual spot on the couch.

He didn't respond to either of my questions, instead he grabbed the remote and started a movie he had apparently picked out at some point.

I took his silence as a 'yes' and ate my dinner at my leisure. When I finished, I set the bowl on the end table next to my side of the couch, and turned off the table lamp leaving only the TV to light the room.

As I turned my attention back to the screen, I felt a head settle in my lap. I immediately froze, my hands hovering out in front of me.

"Yoongi, this is new territory for me. What do you want me to do?" I asked unsure of myself. My instincts told me rub his adorable little cat ears, but society told me that was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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