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Snow fell to the icy, cold ground, and I sat in it and watched. No sounds other than the drifting snow blanketed the small wooden glen. I sigh, watching the beautiful, merciless landscape.

Long, wet locks of greasy brown hair fell down my back in natural ringlets, despite being frozen that way, and my sky-blue eyes, once full of life and vigor, are glazed and dull in the cold. My ripped, sodden coat is frozen to my cold skin, but it doesn't hurt anymore.

In fact, nothing really hurts anymore. I'm numb and kind of warm, as strange as it sounds. I can't feel my hands or anything past my shoulders, but I'm too tired to care. Even when my magic got out of control and destroyed most of the forest behind me, I lie against the blackened stump, gazing at the part of the forest not burned. At this point, I know that this is the end for me, but that doesn't mean I want to accept it.

I'm done fighting. Being on my own for two weeks is enough for any two-year-old, and I just want to go home. Father Sora won't let me come home. He said he would turn me into the . And, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore

The crunch of snow under boots draws my attention southeast catches my attention. A muscular teenage with simply a white tank, pants, boots, and a katana on as protection from the frigid weather. I stare unafraid at his tall frame towering over me as he stands right in front of me.

He says something in a strange language, and I look at him blankly. We watch each other warily for a minute before he points to himself. "Yami."


He nods, still pointing to himself. He then points at me and says some more in his language.

I shrug my shoulders. I had never been given a name, and that was the truth. He blinks, plopping down in the snow with me.

"Koneko," he says, pointing his finger at me.

"Ko... Koneko?" He nods at me, and we stare at each other in awkward silence again. I grin slightly, liking the name.

I rub my eyes tiredly, crawling over to the hulking teenager, and I crawled into his lap. I sniffle as I curl into his warm lap, feeling my flames extinguish completely for the first time since I've uncovered my magic. "Daddy..." I yawn, falling into a comfortable sleep in the arms of the only person who has talked to me in weeks and cared in years.

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