Chapter One

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I jump on Daddy's back, but he isn't fazed in the slightest as he continues to walk out of the Black Bull's castle. I suppose the two of us are a comical sight: a small girl who looks far younger than she is jumping on a man four times her size. I'm barely as large as his bicep, but he tells me I make up for it with spunk.

"What the hell do you want?" he asks gruffly. I know he's just grumpy his dump was interrupted by Finral when he reminded Dad about the Magic Knight Exam today.

"Oh, you know, just exploring a dungeon," I reply with a snicker at my own sarcasm.

"Shut up. I'll kill you." Though his words promise violence, he makes no move to back them, and I know he would never hurt me in the first place.

"Not if I kill you first!"

Finral sweatdrops at us. "Yeah, let's just get to the royal capital in one piece."

Gordon follows us quietly as we step through Finral's portal, and I crawl up Daddy's back skillful like I have many times before.

We walk past a variety of street venders, and Dad buys me a slab of roasted pork on a stick and another whetting stone for the blade strapped to my small back. I laugh, enjoying my time with my Dad and my family before I have to take the exam. We pass a couple of kids my age with packs, which I can only guess that they are here for the exams, too.

The official Black Bulls and I part ways after getting through the main entrance.

"I don't envy you for waiting in that line, Kitty," Dad says, waving me off with a flick of his hand, disappearing in the crowd with Gordon and Finral except for the bobbing head of his.

I wait bored for about an hour in a long line with nervous, chattering people surrounding me. Once I get up there, the attendant monotonously asks for the next person, which is me then.

"I'm Koneko Sukehiro! I'm from... uh... I don't really know where I'm from. The Black Bulls hideout, I guess."

He send me a blank stare, and I hold up my grimoire for him to see. A massive tome of a variety of spells and different magics flouring across the boundless pages shows a beautiful, midnight blue leather covering and silver thread etching of a crescent moon rather than a four-leaf clover on the front.

"Uh, the, uh, a-a crescent moon? A grimoire so big? How?..." he trails off but ultimately scans it with his magic, looking a bit perturbed. "You're number 154. Next." I smile a strained grin before scurrying off to the center of the actual arena.

I lean against one of the pillars, listening to the people around me as they release the anti-birds. No bird would even look in my direction, and they stayed away from me as well as the people within a close range of me, not that I blame them. They probably sense all of the broiling magic suppressed by seven mana-supressing jewelry, even though I wanna pet one of them. A conversation a little ways from me catches my attention.

"What's up with these crazy birds?"

"Anti-birds: mainstays of the exam hall."

"What, these things?"

"Everybody knows, the lower your magic power, the more birds you attract."

"Yeah, whatever. Hey, look. See that guy? There are no birds anywhere near him." One of them point out a black-haired boy, that has a nice butt from where I can see.

"He's that boy from before."

"Which one?"

"He's from this podunk village called Hage or something. I don't know how he got a four-leaf grimoire."

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