Chapter Two

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After Asta took Sekke down, the crowd began to murmur about Asta.

"Is that a magic sword?"

"So he's not just some poor reject from the sticks."

"What's his deal?"

"Who is he?"

"And that stuff he said... About the Wizard King..."

"That's right, you heard me. I'm going to become the Wizard King, ya got it?! There a problem with that?!" Man, his energy would fit in well with the Black Bulls.

The examinees snicker.

"He's officially nuts."

"Him, the Wizard King? Talk about delusions of grandeur."

"He's so out of touch with reality. I almost feel sorry for the guy."

"Withdraw already, ya dumb kid!"

"Who are you callin' a dumb kid?" Asta snaps.

I drag Mina Silva out on to the court as Asta leaves and Sekke is taken to the infirmary.

"You're going down back to Captain Yami's bed if he's that desperate when I'm done with you."

"You're going to pay for the sex jokes. May the best bitch win," I smile at the noble.

We space out in front of us, and I just let my bloodlust permeate through the air towards her.

"Now, begin!" the ref once again called.

She throws open her grimoire, hovering her hand over a page. "You don't even have much mana. How do you expect to beat me? A noble." She lifts her hand towards me. "Holy Light Nova!" Light shoots at me, and I barely have to move to dodge it.

"Easily." I pull two rings and a cuff of of my body, each suppressing mana and not all I have on. The grounds beneath our feet vibrate as it feels the sudden, gaping shift of mana throughout the coliseum. I let them fall to the ground and unsheathe my sword. "With this."

A made purely of pure metal and my magic lies in my hands. She responds beautifully to me, completely in synchronization. Ebony black lined with precise titanium, casing various grooves and notches, held on to by a black rope-lined handled dances in my grasp.

I laugh in morbid glee at watching her face pale with sudden terror. "I don't even think I'm going to need my grimoire in this one. Any other sex jokes you want to make, you snaggle-tooth-face bitch?" Black Fire, my specialty, darkens the blade. "Do you want to give up, or do you want to see what Hellfire here can do?"

"I... I..." She trembles at the full force of my magic power and bloodlust.

"Too late." I raise Hellfire, stabbing it into the ground. Black fire encircles the snooty noble in a blazing cage that can't be taken down by anyone but me. "If you don't give up now, I will kill you. You can say I sleep with anyone. I don't care. But, don't ever think I will let you talk bad about my dad like that again."

She tries to cast a light spell, but my black flames absorbed all of the light, growing stronger from it. "I give up. I GIVE UP! PLEASE, STOP! I'M SORRY!"

I smirk as my bluff worked. I could have killed her if I wanted, but those low-temperature flames wouldn't have done anything but give her a bad sunburn at most. I place the discarded jewelry back onto my fingers and wrist, and the ground stops vibrating. I yawn as all the bloodlust fades,

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