Chapter Three

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"No! I'm not done!" Asta announces as he shakes the dirt from his eyes and mouth.

I step behind Finral to dodge the on slot of filth.

Jumping up, Asta runs right back at the flames like a complete dumbass. He yells out his determination, but shrieks as a fireball knocks him out of the park.

A young man with stripped grey and black hair spits at the flying, overly-happy boy across from him. "Okay, now I'm real mad! You ready to take me on?" The idiot on the ground's name is Magna (I call him an idiot because he wears shades indoors like a dumbass), while the grinning, bloodthirsty one in the air is Luck.

"Nope, not really! But let's go," Luck smiles at his squadmate.

"Die!" Magna shouts as he spits out fireballs in rapid succession at the boy with Lightning Magic. "Take that! And that!"

A skimpy woman with curly hair sits up from her lying position on the sofa. "Ugh. Why's it so loud in here? Ugh, I should've skipped those extra drinks. My head is killing me," she moans. Vanessa can easily be classified as a drunk, but she's good people.

The shorty at the table scarfing down sweets is Charmy, and she's the only one shorter than I am in the Black Bulls. She usually uses her magic to cook the awesome food around here. Well, that, or I do it.

Meanwhile, the creep in the corner stares at a picture of his sister with a nosebleed. Is Gauche in an incestuous relationship with her? I don't know, but he's definitely someone to avoid. "Oh, precious, perfect little Marie. My dear sister. My love," he gushes among the fighting. "Enough! Shut up, damn you!"

The large, friendly giant at the back is a shy young woman in a large man's body using her transformation magic. I don't think I've ever heard her speak in her actual voice, but she's pretty strong on missions.

"Please, make it stop. My poor head," Vanessa holds her head in agony.

"Looks like they're at it again," mutters Finral.

"Here we go," whispers Gordon.

Asta looks terrified, while I deadpan at the most childish ones in the Black Bulls.


My ears slightly ring, but I laugh at Asta's failed attempt at getting the attention of these guys. I really hope Daddy doesn't interrupt them too soon; I want to see how Asta reacts.

"That flan you were saving was super tasty," Luck eggs on. So that was what the fight is about. Luck must've ate Magna's precious flan that he saves for weeks (until I find it moldy and chunk it out for Dad's and my pets).

"Good, because that's the last thing you'll ever eat!"

"Come on, give it a rest, you idiots!" Gauche shakes his fist at the squabbling mages. "You're going to wake up my sister with all the noise you're making, damn it!"

"Ugh, get over it, you freaky sister-lover!" spits Vanessa. She starts scratching her head as she talks to herself. "Let's see. I remember getting into a drinking contest with some guy, but after that..."

"Perfect, thank you!" Charmy praises as her magic sheep brings her more sweets.

"You stole from me! My flan! Mine!" Magna shoots another fireball, but instead of hitting Luck, the flames hit Asta. Again.

"Ugh. Will you please shut up? I've got the mother of all headaches," Vanessa dramatically nags.

"That's your own fault, ya drunk," Magna retorts when he turns his attention to the vivacious woman.

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