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i hate the feeling of embarrassment. pollen was an embarrassment.
how do you empathize to someone that this is your mess to deal with but it also isn't.

you don't.

"you okay?" i snap my head towards the murmur. it was jack. he softly placed a folded wool blanket next to me. and a bowl of mushroom soup was sat on the coffee table.

"mhm. yeah." i bit my lip.

"you're positive you're okay with sleeping on the couch for just tonight?" he inquired. which only made me nod my migraine head continuously. "just making sure." he replied to the constant nodding.

"thanks for the soup. you guys really didn't have to do this." i hated this treatment. it's the treatment you receive if you're sick, or if you're no longer capable.

maybe i wasn't capable anymore. maybe i was no longer able to be who i had been not to long ago. maybe it's because of pollen. maybe it's because of me.

"yeahhh," jack dragged his word. "you're not okay." he plopped down next to me. then laid his head on my lap.

he was looking towards the ceiling. "talk to me." he mumbled. "what's wrong."

i laid my head back onto the cushion(s). "i dunno." it was the truth. "pollen. it's just— we were perfect. everything just fell apart. after.." i stopped myself and trailed off. was i really just about to say it was zach's fault?

he didn't ask why i suddenly stopped my sentence. he respected it and continued. "he's an asshole." jack blurted. "sincerely. an asshole." he said more 'politely'.

"mhm." i hummed and agreement. "why'd you cut your hair?" i began to change the subject pulling lightly on the now blonde hair. "you look like you're a off brand replica of corbs." i softly laugh as he groans.

"you and a quarter of the world think the same."

"it's nice." i reply.

"i know." he grinned stupidly. and i nudged him.

he finally sat up. "thank you, for talking to me." i muttered. "i suppose i really did need it."

there was a moment of silence. i stared at him. his eyes trailed to my lips. and for a second. maybe more than a second. his lips were grazing mine, breathing hitching. then finally they were fully placed onto me.

realization hit like a harsh bullet. i push him away and start panicking.

"shit im sorry i know you care for zach."


N O T E ;

did jack just kiss zoey? 😩.

school is finally slowing down a bit.

Which meansss YOU readers will like the new news of a new story coming out. (wow that's a lot of 'new's) it's a Jack avery story but it won't be out any time soon. I also have a new Corbyn story that'll be out when "Must've Been The Wind" is over. (Don't worry jonah and Daniel fans I gotchu)

anywayssssss how are ya'll?

if ya'll answered or asked me shout out to you.

I'm doing goooddddd just a bit tried. It's currently 1:31 am. But when this is published it'll probably be in the morning or in the afternoon— or at night— depending.

I'm gonna go right now.

But before I do "Must've Been The Wind" readers before you kill me your chapter(s) will be out later this week aswell :).

Love you Babes🥺😌💜.

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