I want to explore! Cure Pearl is found!

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*: authors note at the end of the chapter

The sun rose and cast a faint orange-yellow light over the local town. Everyone was beginning to wake up and get ready for the day they had ahead of them. Some were going to work while others were going to school. The world above the water is just like that and it operates this way almost every day.

Below the deep blue waters of the ocean however, there is a secluded society that no one on land knows about. It's hidden from sight but is easily accessible if you know where to look and how to gain access to this secret area of the Ocean.

What is this secluded society you may ask? Well...it is a society of mermaids. Creatures that were long thought to be mythical, nothing more than a legend to humans. But in actuality, they do exist. They just keep themselves hidden as most are scared of the humans above the water for various reasons.

Some are scared simply because they are afraid of what lurks in the unknown. Some are scared because that's what they were told to believe by their parents and teachers. But most are scared because of what the humans have done to the ocean over the years. All the pollution and trash that has made its way into the waters genuinely has the merfolk fearing for their lives. They think that they too will succumb to a fishing net and be taken in to be experimented on or will die because they got stuck in one. Many fear that they will accidentally ingest a small bit of plastic succumb to that. Many things of this nature scare most merfolk into keeping themselves secluded. That's why they've stayed hidden and secretive for so long.

All except for seemingly one individual. A young mermaid who's all too excited about exploring anything and everything she can find or learns about. She loves exploring shipwrecks, caves, trenches, and anything else you could find underwater. Exploring makes her happy and it is her favorite hobby to look for new things.

But of course, exploring the ocean soon became boring to her. It was fun to go to new places throughout he ocean, but she was familiar with the ocean. The rocks and plant life were nearly all the same no matter where she went. She wanted something completely different and new to experience.

That's how she began to take an interest in the human world. She would be risky and swim close to piers and docks to get a look above the water just to see if she could get a glimpse of a human and what their life was like. She wanted to know so much more about humans and how they lived their lives, what their world was like, and more. But she unfortunately couldn't explore this mysterious world as, of course, she didn't have the necessary body to do so.

Humans had legs with feet and toes while she had a tail with fins. She couldn't walk around like the humans so she had no way of maneuvering around land. This broke her heart but she still found happiness in observing them from afar and learning that way. And if she didn't manage to find her way onto land somehow and she was spotted, then who knows what would happen if she was spotted by a human.

This mermaid's name...was Kona.


Kona woke up and yawned while stretching. The sunlight that filtered through the water touched her face to signal that it was time to get up and get ready for the day. A weekend that she was looking forward to for a few days.

Kona got out of bed and went to get ready. She brushed her hair and styled it with her special seashell clip as she did every day. It was the only thing she had to remember her family that had abandoned her.

She was only a young girl that was born to a normal young couple. But the couple realized after a few weeks that they didn't want her anymore. They didn't truly want a child, didn't want something that would put a big strain on their relationship. So they came up with a plan.

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