I want to explore together! An underwater adventure!

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Kona groaned and rolled over as she began to wake up. She noticed that the room smelled really good so she woke up faster than normal.

"Mmm...smells good..." she mumbled.

"Hikaru! Kona!"

Shio opened the door to her room and looked down at the floor. Hikaru was still fast asleep and sprawled out on her area of the floor. Kona sat up and stretched before yawning and looking up at Shio.

"Good morning Kona," Shio said," did you sleep well?"

"Mhmm..." Kona mumbled again," it smells really good..."

"Thank you. I made breakfast for you two so that's probably why," Shio said," clean yourself up a bit in the washroom and then some on downstairs."


Shio looked at Hikaru and then walked over to her and looked down at her.

"Kona, I suggest plugging your ears."

Kona looked confused but did so. Shio then took a deep breath.

"HIKARU! WAKE UP!" She shouted.

"AHHHH!" Hikaru screamed and shot straight up," what's going on? Are we gonna die?! Where's the fire?!"

Shio laughed a bit and walked back over to the door.

"Breakfast is ready. Tidy yourself up a bit and then come downstairs."

Hikaru pouted a bit.

"You made your special egg rolls right?" Hikaru asked.

"Of course," Shio said.

"Yahoo! Yes!" Hikaru said and quickly got up," come on Kona! Let's get ready!"

Hikaru pulled Kona up and led her into the washroom. Hikaru took a towel and washed her face and then began to brush her teeth. Kona stood there and watched with a confused expression.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm just tidying up a little bit. I always start my day by washing my face, brushing my teeth and hair, occasionally putting on some make up, and then I will put on my clothes. This is stuff people do to just...make themselves look presentable," Hikaru explained.

"Oh...Okay. I guess it's just a little different from what us mermaids do so I was a bit confused. We don't brush our hair because we're underwater and the water would just ruin whatever we tried to do," Kona said.

"Hmm. That makes sense," Hikaru said and opened up the cabinet under the sink," I believe Shio has some extra stuff in here. She told me that she made a sort of 'goodie bag' for you with a brush and such in it...I'm just trying to find it..."

"She did? Jeez...she's doing so much for me. I feel kind of guilty..."

"Don't. She's always been like this. All she ever wants to do is help people. She knows you're new to the surface so she probably wants to make a good impression."

"I'm gonna have to do something special to repay her when I take her to my home town...what should I do though?"

"Don't know," Hikaru said and pulled out a bag of items from the cabinet," but finish tidying up. We have some really good breakfast waiting for us downstairs."

Kona nodded and brushed her hair, teeth, washed her face, and then looked in the mirror.

"Is this good?" Kona asked.

"Perfect. Now come on! Let's go!"

Hikaru grabbed Kona's arm and pulled her to the dining room where Shio had a bunch of food laid out on the table for them all to eat.

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