Humans go to school too? The mystery of the swimming pool!

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Hey! I finally got this to work! I'm so sorry that this chapter is a week late but Wattpad was being stupid and wouldn't let me copy and paste from google drive. But I got it to work now so here's chapter 7 ^^


"Kona...wake up."

Kona groaned and turned over onto her back. She put her pillow over her face and tried to go back to sleep. Shio laughed a bit.

"Breakfast is ready. Come downstairs when you're ready."

Shio left the room and left the door slightly open. Kona sat up and yawned. She stretched and looked around the room. She then got up and quickly got ready before making her way downstairs.

"Good morning Kona," Shio said.

"Mm...morning.." she mumbled and sat down," wheres Hikaru?"

"She's at her house right now. We can't have sleepovers every night because we have to go to school during the week and having sleepovers on a school night never turns out well," Shio explained.

"What's a human school like?" Kona asked.

"Well we have to wear a certain uniform and we sit in classrooms that are just rows of desks," Shio explained," Our classroom stays the same but the teacher will change throughout the day depending on what subject it is. They'll walk from classroom to classroom. We stay in school until the age of about eighteen and then we go to college to get a degree that will help us get a job."

"Huh. That's a little different from what our schools are like," Kona said," we go to school until the age of sixteen and we go to a different classroom with a different teacher depending on the subject."

"Do you have a college system?" Shio asked.

"Not really because there's no place to put a college building. We kind of just get a job and you get it based on ability tests or something."

"Hmm. That's kind of interesting," Shio said," Well anyways we should probably start eating. I have to get to school soon."

"You're right," Kona said.

Shio put her hands together as if she was about to pray.


Kona watched her do so and then put her hands together.


They began to eat the food that Shio had prepared.

"So what should I do today since I'm not going to your school with you?" Kona asked.

"Hmm...I don't know," Shio said," maybe you should ask Delphi."

Delphi was sleeping in Kona's lap. Kona gently shook her awake.

"Hey Delphi?"

"Mmm...five more minutes-fi..."

"Come on Delphi...I need to ask you a question..."

"What is it-fi..?"

"I won't be able to hang out with Shio and Hikaru today. They have school so they're gonna be busy," Kona said.

"Maybe we should follow them and be in the area just in case one of the sirens comes to attack-fi."

"Well where are we gonna stay? Should we just walk around a park?"

"I don't know-fi."

"Oh I know," Shio said as she remembered something," I need to take you to meet the teachers and principal of the school because I decided to ask my parents to do something."

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